Delhi University Directs Phased Reopening from September 15, 2021; Check SOPs Here

Delhi University: As per the latest update, Delhi University has directed phased reopening of DU Colleges, Departments and Centres from September 15, 2021, for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

Delhi University made the decision to offer both online and offline modes of teaching for students after receiving a nod from the Delhi Disaster Management Authority for college reopening. 

Classes for Delhi University Courses will begin in a phased manner in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines. Students will be offered an option to either attend online or offline classes. 

In order to appear for offline classes, students are required to receive at least their first dose of vaccination. While for hostel students, both COVID-19 doses are mandatory. Check the details of DU College Reopening 2021 SOP Guidelines in this article below!

Delhi University Reopening 2021 SOPs 

University Grant Commission (UGC) has recently released an official notification regarding the offline commencement of classes in various universities. 

As per the DU College reopening notice, the universities that are planning on reopening the campus for students are strictly instructed to follow SOPs.

During the commencement of physical classes in universities, various safety measures will be followed, such as self-monitoring of health, Arogya Setu App wherever convenient, washing hands, etc. 

Check the detailed DU College Reopening 2021 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) below: 

  • University Teaching and Non-Teaching should receive both COVID-19 vaccines at the earliest. 
  • Students appearing for classes are required to receive at least their first dose of the covid-19 vaccine, while students who reside in the university hostel should be fully vaccinated. 
  • Theoretical classes for UG and PG Courses will now commence through online mode until further notice. 
  • UG, PG Final Year students will be permitted to attend practical and library classes from September 15, 2021, with 50% capacity. 
  • Only essential experiments and practicals for semester students will be conducted on the campus ground. 
  • Attendance will be mandatory for physical classes. Students will be given the option to attend online classes. 
  • University will make a conductive timetable for physical classes for Evening College and Morning College.

Earlier, on August 30, 2021, Delhi Disaster Management Authority gave its permission for reopening physical classes in various educational institutes. With this decision, various colleges are now preparing SOPs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 during class commencement. 

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