DCECE 2020 Exam to be Held on November 26-27, Read Exam Day Guidelines

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) will hold the DCECE exam on November 26 and November 27 amid the pandemic. The exam will be conducted in offline mode as a pen and paper-based exam.

Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam (DCECE) admit card had already been released by the BCECEB on November 12. The admit card was released on the official website; bceceboard.biharr.gov.in. Applicants need to download the admit card from the website to be allowed in the exam center.

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Those who do not bring the admit card would not be allowed in the exam center. The admit card also has the test center and the timing of reporting along with many important guidelines that need to be followed on the day of the exam. 

DCECE 2020: Guidelines to be Followed on the Day of Exam

Applicants who appear for the exam will need to follow a set of guidelines that have been released by the authorities. These guidelines are also printed on the admit card. Applicants who appear to be in violation of the guidelines might be barred entry or find their candidature forfeited. 

The guidelines that need to be followed are as given below. 

  • Applicants will need to take a printout of the admit card and bring the same to the exam center
  • As the exam is being conducted in a situation when the pandemic is prevalent, applicants will need to wear a facemask at all times
  • For more security, applicants are advised to bring their own transparent bottles of sanitizer to sanitize their hands
  • Social distancing norms will need to be maintained and security to enforce this will be the responsibility of the authorities
  • While writing the paper, the applicant should write the answers carefully and vigilantly
  • The exam will have 90 questions and will be conducted over a duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes
  • The question paper will be divided into three segments- maths, physics, and chemistry
  • Candidates are advised to attempt the section that they are most comfortable with

The exam result will be announced by the BCECEB on the official website. However, as of yet they have not declared any particular date. 

Read More: Bihar DCECE Admit Card 2020 Released
