CGBSE 10th and 12th Supplementary Exam 2020 to start from tomorrow, 87000 Students to Appear Amidst Pandemic

Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education (CGBSE) will be conducting the Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education exam from tomorrow, i.e., November 28, 2020, according to the official announcement.

Additionally, CGBSE D.EL.Ed's first-year main exam is scheduled from tomorrow onwards. Over 87000 students would take the Chhattisgarh Board Supply Exams 2020, following COVID-19 guidelines released by the authority.

CGBSE Exams 2020: COVID-19 Guidelines to be Followed

With the supplementary exams for Chhattisgarh Board to be conducted amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Prof. V.K. Goyal, CGBSE secretary, has confirmed that all required preparations related to ensuring the safety and health of students are in place. 

All the recognized institutions have been made examination centers this year to ensure proper social distancing among the students taking the supplementary exam. 

Moreover, all exam centers have been asked to follow COVID preventive measures and guidelines issued by the government to ensure the health and safety of the students.

Read More: Chhattisgarh Board Exam Pattern(Revised): Check New Marking Scheme for Matric and Intermediate

CGBSE Admit Card 2020 Available 

With exams to start from tomorrow, the Chhattisgarh Board has sent the admit cards for the students taking the exam to the respective exam centers. 

Besides, candidates can choose to download the admit card by logging onto the exam website

Earlier in the year, CGBSE had declared Class 10 and 12 board exam results on June 23, 2020. 

Around 73.62% passed in Class 10 out of the total number of appeared candidates. Whereas, for Class 12 students, of the total 2,77,563, over 70.69% of students have qualified the exam. The students who had failed or secured compartmental results are eligible to take the supplementary exam beginning tomorrow.

Read More: CBSE Board Exam 2021: Dates (Tentative) for Class 12 Practical Exam Announced, Sets SOPs for Exams