CBSE Class 12 Practical Exam 2021 to be Held Online by June 28, Directs Board to Schools

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had issued a notice on Monday, June 7, directing schools to complete the internal and practical assessments for CBSE Class 12 Exam 2021 through online means.

CBSE Class 12 Practical Exam 2021 to be Held Online by June 28

Schools are further directed to submit their practical assessment marks for CBSE Class 12 Exam 2021 to the board by June 28, 2021. The decision to finish practical examinations till month end was released after the decision of the CBSE panel on Class 12th Result 2021 evaluation criteria. 

The notice released by CBSE Controller of Examinations Sanyam Bhardwaj reads, “It has been observed that some schools have not been able to complete the school-based assessments in various subjects due to the pandemic. Thus the schools with pending Practicals/Internal Assessments are permitted to conduct the same now in only online mode and upload marks on the provided link latest by 28.08.2021." 

CBSE has appointed an external examiner for project evaluation practical examination conduction. The examiner will be responsible for deciding on dates for online viva voce, and managing the conducting for the same. Additionally, for internal assessments, subject teachers will conduct the assessment for students on the basis of instructions released by CBSE. The guidelines for conducting assessments in private schools will be released soon by the board. 

Also, examiners have been warned not to award maximum marks to students and practice any unfair means. “Keep in mind that the marks allotted should not bunch towards the maximum marks which are highly unlikely in view of diverse levels of students” the notice also reads. 

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has set up a 12 member panel that is responsible to decide on the objective criteria to be used in determining CBSE Class 12th Board Exam 2021 Result. Dr Bhardwaj, along with other panel members has released the options for result evaluation, which includes using the marks secured by students in their internal assessments, unit tests, projects, and practical works in finalizing their results. 

Earlier, CBSE had offered its affiliated schools the choice of putting CBSE Practical Exam 2021 on hold until the result evaluation policy is finalized, and released as no decisions were taken in regards to practical examination. Referring to practical exams, CBSE Controller of Exam, Sanyam Bhardwaj said, “Our policy on assessment of Std XII will be ready soon. In that, we shall also address the issue of practical exams. Till this comes, schools can definitely put their exams on hold. The choice is theirs".

Also Read: CBSE Class 12 Result 2021 Objective Criteria Expected to be Out in Two Weeks
