CBSE Board Exam 2021: Practical Exams to be Conducted in School labs, not O-Labs’ Informs Sanyam Bhardwaj, Check Details Here

CBSE Controller of Examinations, Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj has recently announced that the CBSE Board Exam 2021 practical exams for class 12 and 10 would be conducted in schools and not in O-Labs. The announcement has been made to clear the confusion which has been caused by multiple reports on social media.

Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj conducted a meeting with the select Principals of CBSE affiliated schools to clarify the many points in regards to the upcoming Class 10, 12 Board Exams 2021. In the meeting, the mode of practical exams, paper pattern, exam dates and other pressing concerns were discussed.

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The senior official has confirmed that the CBSE Board 2021 practical papers would be conducted only after the schools reopen.

He further stated that the CBSE Date sheet 2021 would be released at a later date. Students can check the important points of the meeting below.

CBSE Board Exam 2021: Important Points to Remember

  • Paper pattern and typology for the question papers would remain the same as depicted in the # Typology of question paper will be the same as the CBSE sample papers now available on
  • There will be no further reduction in the syllabus for the board exams 2021 being planned
  • CBSE Board practical examinations would be conducted at the schools as usual and external examiner would be present
  • No circular has been issued by the board for online practical examinations or conducting practical exams in O Lab – examinations would be conducted at school labs as usual
  • CBSE Board Exam 2021 would not be conducted at self-centres or ‘own schools’ – the board would instead increase significantly the number of Exam Centres
  • No more than 12 students would be seated in one classroom for the board exam 2021
  • Three sets of question papers with the same difficulty level will be supplied. In case any set is found to be of a higher difficulty level, moderation will be considered.
  • No change in marking scheme for Class 10 – would remain the same as 80+ 20 where 80 is for external or theory paper and 20 for the internal evaluation.

Further, the controller of examinations stated that CBSE would be releasing new software for the schools soon to manage the exams. The new software would have a separate login ID for schools as well as students.

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