CAT 2020 Dress Code; What to Wear on the Exam Day; Check Guidelines Here

Applicants appearing for the CAT 2020 exam will need to follow strict dress codes and instructions as specified. In case someone is found in violation of the regulations, they could be barred from attending the exam and disqualified.

Owing to the current situation, many new components have been added to the dress code for CAT this year. Applicants should make sure to follow them all as they prepare to sit for the exam. The dress code of the exam dictates what and what isn’t acceptable to wear for the examination.

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This year the CAT 2020 exam is being conducted by IIM Indore which is also the body behind the preparation of the dress code. While the exam is scheduled to be conducted soon on November 29, candidates appearing should expect even more strictness in regards to dress code than previous years.

Owing to the Covid pandemic, not only dresses code but regulations during the exams have also been somewhat altered. Some of the most important things to take note of before going to the exam center are given below.

CAT 2020: Dress Code And Guidelines

  • Face Masks Now Mandatory: While there was no rule regarding this the previous year, applicants now are expected to wear a proper face mask at all times. In case someone does not wear a face mask, entry would be denied immediately.
  • Sanitization: Applicants will need to sanitize their hands at pre-decided entry points as they enter and leave the examination hall. While the sanitizers will be provided at the exam centers by the conducting body, it is recommended that each applicant carry their own supply.
  • No Shoes/Thick Sole Footwear Allowed: This might come across as somewhat different but no candidate is allowed to wear shoes/footwear with thick soles in the exam hall.
  • No Make-Up or Unnatural Marks: Makeup that would alter the appearance of tattoos would not be allowed. Any such applicant sporting these would be denied entry.

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  • No Pocket Cloths: The clothes worn by the candidates should have no pockets. This includes both lower and upper wear.
  • No Metal Object Or Jewellery: Nobody would be allowed to wear jewellery or have metal objects on them like keys, water bottles inside the exam hall.
  • No Bags or Mobiles: Mobile phones or bags are not permitted inside the exam hall. Applicants can bring them to the exam center but they’ll need to leave it outside before giving the exam. 

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