Interview by Yash Panchal

Dr. K. Duraivelu is a Professor & Dean at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai. His educational qualifications include BE, ME, MBA, and Ph.D. He has more than 25 years of experience in Teaching & Industry together. He has published 4 Engineering textbooks. He has 6 publications in indexed journals. He is the recipient of Best Teacher Award from Colleges and Ministry of Manpower, Sultanate of Oman and Glasgow-Auld award from Institution Engineers (India).
Dr. K. Duraivelu on his experience in the education industry
In the last 20 years of my academic experience, I have come across various rapid changes in the curriculum, pedagogy, student’s approach, etc. I have been successful to adapt to the changing environment in order to fit into the academic field ever.
Challenges faced as the Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM IST, Vadapalani
Liaison between fraternity of students, parents, teachers,and management is indeed an interesting and challenging task. Constant follow-up and abridging the communication gap between different stakeholders made me handle this challenge comfortably.
A regularly updated curriculum
We update our curriculum regularly to meet the changing industrial market needs. We offer single credit industrial based courses fully designed and taught by Industries to our students. Semester Abroad Program facilitates our students to get overseas educational exposure for a semester in abroad universities. Compulsory Industrial Internships, Online courses, Curriculum with major and minor specializations, Choice based credit systems, Department and Open elective systems are a few remarkable systems we follow in our curriculum. More representations from Industries through the Corporate advisory board and Industrial advisory board give an edge to our curriculum.
Goals in mind for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM IST
We are working towards bringing the Industries and Institutions closer. The curriculum should have more practical courses than theories. Students should be working on Industrial projects simultaneously while pursuing the course.
Some of the key achievements of SRM IST
4-star QS rating, ABET accreditation, IET accreditation, NAAC highest accreditation of A++, No.1 ranking of Times of India, NIRF’s ranking within 50 best Engineering Institutions, etc. are a few accolades and awards to mention. SRMSAT, the nano-satellite completely built by our SRM students was launched in the space in 2011 and is still functioning in its orbit.
Views on the digitization of education in the era of digitalization
We are working towards digital records by digitalizing our students’ transcripts and ensuring all transactions through digital modes.
Creating placement opportunities available at SRM IST
Our aim is to make our students’ cent percent employable. We create opportunities for our students through our industrial needs-based curriculum, our unique career development courses, internship programs, etc.
Suggestions for the current youth and aspiring students
The goal of education is the updation of advancement & thorough knowledge and the dissemination of knowledge to serve to the society and the world. I wish the current students’ generation should work with good attitude and discipline to work towards serving to the society.