June 18 2018, Dehradun: Rangrezza 2017 fest, a two-days-event started at BFIT campus, Suddhowala, Dehradun with Saraswati Vandana. MP Varun Gandhi was received by Mr. Joginder Singh Arora, the Chairperson of BFIT. Mr. Aninder Singh Arora, the director and the registrar Mr. Bhoopinder Singh Arora welcomed the dignitary by offering bouquet.
The function was formally announced open with the inaugural lecture ‘The Road to India’s Future’ by MP Varun Gandhi. He received a warm welcome from nearly 8000 students, enthusiastic to give an ear to his words and extended a huge round of applause. MP reciprocated the same and said, “These students are the fuel for the golden future of our nation.”
In his speech, Varun Gandhi touched upon various aspects of our nation and convinced the gathering that the youth is the key to the future growth of our land. He further greeted the efforts of BFIT family for the mammoth efforts for the education sector in the state and wished its students a bright prospective future.
“I am glad to visit this campus second time after two years and have noticed remarkable changes in its infrastructural development. It is BFIT family’s never-ending efforts that had made it distinguished among such other institutions.” said the MP. He further added, it is his hearty wish that BFIT must be an outstanding institution for higher studies in the field of science, commerce and arts.
The rainbow event was followed by a series of cultural and musical performances by the students from the institute and renowned artists from Bollywood. Tyaar Kaan me Double Jhumkaa native hit track forced the crowd to match the beat with feet.
Followed by this performance, was ‘Colours of India’ on the theme of national integration through music and performing arts from length and breadth of the country, which was well appreciated by the youth power. Students from various states and foreign lands performed their respective cultures converting the occasion a small world through the language music, dance and performing arts. These performances received huge appreciation.
Next in the bouquet, Garhwali folk dance turned the whole crowd in a large dancing troop. The rhythm of their hands kept the motivation level of the performers at its peak.
The vote of thanks was presented by the Chairperson Mr. Joginder Singh Arora and he extended gratitude towards Mr. Varun Gandhi by presenting a memento. He also wished a bright professional future to all students and appreciated those who performed on stage.
MP, Varun Gandhi gave his precious time especially for the institute and its students as just after the inaugural words he immediately left for Delhi.
The first-day occasion was marked with the presence of college director, Mr. Aninder Singh Arora; Dr. Aslam Siddqui, the principal; Mr. Munna Singh Chauhan, MLA of Vikas Nagar; Mr. Arvinder Singh Heera; Dr. H L Upadhyaya; Mr. Devendra Prasad; faculty members and a large number of students.
Second-day of the event was a star-studded, power-packed performance by the winner of the Rising Star, Mumbaikar Bannet Dosanjh and his team. Students along with faculty members reflected a great enthusiasm for the scheduled performance and were mesmerized with the magical singing of Bannet Dosanjh.
The event was kicked off in the presence of Sahdev Singh Pundir, MLA with Saraswati Vandana around 05:00 PM. Chief Guest was warmly received by Mr. Joginder Singh Arora, Chairperson, BFIT college and Mr. Aninder Singh Arora, director. To mark the occasion BJP MLA, Mr. Pundir said, “BFIT College had established a benchmark in education and is on the progressive track towards excellence.”
Most awaited power packed performance by the Rising Star winner Bannet Dosanjh created a vibrant evening. His performance forced the crowd to match every beat with the movement of their feet. The show last till late evening followed by a series of Bollywood hit performances. Ramp walk by college students received a big round of applause as the theme was women empowerment. Folk songs from the state were an offering by the native students for the fellow students from other states to introduce them to the culture of Uttarakhand.
The second-day occasion was marked with the presence of college director, Mr. Arinder Singh Arora; Dr. Aslam Siddqui, principal, Dr. H L Upadhyaya, Arvinder Singh Heera, faculty members and a large number of students.