Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. A. K. Singh is currently working as the Principal of IMI, Indore. He holds a Ph. D., a MMS and a B.Sc degree. He is a versatile personality exhibiting a blend of an Academician, Researcher and a perfect Industry-oriented Person. He has a rich experience of 3 decades in the corporate sector and pedagogy in management courses. He believes “unity in Diversity' is an often mentioned phrase to describe India in a nutshell.
He has contributed a lot to IMI culture which distinguishes it from any other institution. He encourages students to participate in innumerable co-curricular, extra-curricular activities organized and conducted under the banner of the various forums of the college along with the main course of the academics.
Education plays a major role in the human civilization
The first statement that needs to be understood is that education is not an industry. It is a part of life. Better education gives the path to an individual for their sustenance, survival and growth. Without education, an individual’s growth is not sufficient in terms of accepting challenges of this global world.
I shifted from the industry (consulting) to education in the year 1999-2000 as a sheer educationist. I Spent 18 years on various educational institutions and worked at all the positions. I am fortunate enough to return knowledge to the society and the youth of our nation.
My philosophy of leadership aims at making the students noble
The Philosophy of leadership is to impart knowledge to the young and very young graduates of IMI. Being the Principal, I want to make them a noble human being.
My leadership style is to participate and move with the present demand of the industry.
Not only the college attendance is necessary, but the student and faculty participation is more important to me. This is the biggest challenge at this time for IMI.
The biggest challenge is to perform our best within the parameters of the educational system
In the present education system, the student expects short-term growth without much effort and gaining in-depth knowledge, whereas the superficial knowledge is always dangerous for the youth. We are practising and imparting the expected norms derived by the educational system which restrains our ability to help students to grow. We are not free to make our own syllabus, not even free to guide students as per our expectations. This dilutes the overall academics and leads towards frustration.
Our certification courses ensure overall grooming of the students
Since the IMI syllabus is governed by Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, which is not in our control to modify, even though we are shifting our pedagogy to more industrial-oriented training from just monotonous teaching. We are adding a few more certification courses to ensure the latest educational need to IMI students. Our focus is more on personal development, their lingual issues and their overall grooming rather than to be only classroom impartation.
The Education industry is growing expeditiously with current technology trend
The major change observed is that the world is changing and becoming more and more global than endemic, the demand pattern is shifting from one end to another. Teaching pedagogy has changed, we have to teach the latest happening in the world, latest management practices in the world which copes the change rather than to follow the orthodoxy.
Nowadays, we are more focused on skills rather than knowledge. The students are more oriented towards the corporate knowledge, which forces us to change our pedagogy to satisfy the students. Every year the industry demands something different which we have to keep in the back of our mind and accordingly change the teaching pattern.
Goals for the Institute for the next few years
Goals are mentioned below:
Impart the best education and knowledge among the students.
Prepare the students more industry oriented rather than knowledge oriented.
- Set the brand position of IMI at state and national level.
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
At a young age, we are at the centre of absolute strength. We think big, hope for the best and envision a better tomorrow, thereof making unceasing efforts to turn our lifelong dreams into concrete actions.
In my opinion, “People without education are like weapons without bullets.”
Education for the youth is the medium with the help of which they can quench their thirst by realizing their potential. The youth should be equipped with the best possible education and facilitated with the favourable conditions too, and through the attainment of their skills be an asset to the community and that way contribute actively to the development of the community, as they are essential elements of the society.
In other words, with proper education imparted to the youth, the youth can become productive, science-oriented, broad-minded, and ideal citizens of the society as the society is significantly influenced by this category of people.