Brindavan Group of Institutions

Dr. R. Prabhakara is the Campus Director Brindavan Group of Institutions. Having over three decades of experience and establishing himself as a pundit in the education domain, he expresses his views on the education industry. When it comes to strategizing, he is a multi-faceted personality who likes to explore and come up with the best possible ideas. Read more about him in his interview here.

What is your philosophy of Leadership? How would you describe your Leadership Style? 

“My style of functioning and frame of philosophy would yield dividends in the days to come”

The leadership style that I relate is Democratic to all its executions. My philosophy always remains upheld to make the individuals to work with pride and not with prejudice. The openness to interact with others to get evolved evaluating their efficiencies is the success of this date. I am aware that we have miles to go together to reach the Pinnacle of Success. 

What are the significant challenges faced by you as the Director of Brindavan group of Institutions?

“Every challenge carves a way for new opportunity”

I firmly believe that each challenge carves a new way for opportunity. And so forth, I like challenges that yield new opportunities for the growth and prosperity of BGI, Bangalore. The collegiate education has undergone dramatic changes with the advance of technology and the adoption of those into educational systems that need a structural change instead of temporary to growing trends. My present challenge that requires immediate address is towards outcome-based education and impliedly to Employment. In the unprecedented times of Covid-19, our placements did not go into vain, but we sustained well and bagged offers. Having said these short-termed achievements, I focus more on the Academics of this institution. 

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With the completion so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

“We ensure our students’ mentality is growing and aligning with the current industry trends”

The welfare of our students always remains a priority in our agenda of Academics and Administration. The department of placements well addresses the concern of employability. The training and skill development is one of our reaches for the career and growth of students. Each branch of engineering and management and other colleges under BGI is constituted by Clubs with specific tasks to be entertained and engaged by students. The update of competitiveness in the concerned area of studies is well informed and exercised through workshops and seminars. The industrial visits are part and parcel of their curriculum apart from tutorials. I interface with each student periodically among the exits to know further bad bricks in the institution to adopt change-oriented attitudes towards Society's personality and well-being. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“The youth today is gullible and forget the basic principles of humanity”

Present youth is mesmerized by the advancements in Science and Technology. They are carried away by Artificial Intelligence and virtual realities. Their wellbeing has to be imbibed with Values, Ethics, and Principles. The concept of the nuclear family has really brought in selfishness and unfair competitiveness. The mind-set of sharing and rearing is far gone with the influence of western culture. The principle of back to basics has to be imparted at an early stage that sprouts to an understanding of empathy. And these changes will only happen from one to one, first from the four walls of family, and secondly through educational institutions. The newly rolled out Educational Policy-2020 has critically incorporated these with freedom of Federal Governance.

How does the curriculum of Brindavan ensure the best practice of Industry?

“Our focus is to groom our students to graduate keeping abreast the latest industrial trends”

Brindavan Group of Institutions has 30 plus streams of courses affiliated to VTU (Visvesvaraya Technical University)for engineering and Architecture. The management courses are affiliated to BCU(Bangalore Central University). Here in Brindavan, we have evolved content that is collectively put in place to minimize the formula of Education that leads to Employability. We have students from all walks and sections in society as well from foreign countries. We engage soft skills and other job training programs, imparting additional skills to Industry and corporates' growing demand. Each department is trained to update themselves to the growing demands of Industry. We conduct seminars, workshops, and students’ oriented clubs are given the freedom to recommend the genuine and path-breaking concepts of extra learning among the students community. The logical cognizance from the student's community has brought in retention and fundraising aspects as well, leading to innovative aspects in students' Life.

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Any insights into how you’re University could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic back grounds?

“Our environment stands for Quality and Equality with no discrimination”

We have three decades of a track record for discipline and decorum, maintaining and managing variety in Linguistics, culture, creed, and Ethnicity. Our philosophy is “Education for all and all through Education.” Our age-old Alumina emphatically reflects the legacy of Multi-cultural and Multi-linguistic bondage. My perspective of University is vast and vivid that anticipates for collaborative education with foreign universities. My experience in Education Industry has emphatically stood for outcome-based education. I adamantly adhere to the cause of University in the days to come and see BRS University among the Gems in Bangalore.