Dr. Rakesh Premi
Dr. Rakesh Premi
Director, GHS-IMR

Dr. Rakesh Premi, is the former Campus Director LEEDS Metropolitan University, UK's Indian Camps “LEEDS Met India”, Bhopal. He is recipient of the prestigious “​100 MOST INFLUENTIAL DIRECTOR of INDIA 2016” award by World Education Congress and is also a member of the ‘ADVISORY COUNCIL’ of WEC 2017, “Shikshak Samman” facilitated by former HRD minister Shri Murli Manohar Joshi and has also received “Excellence in Education” award by Hon’ble Governor of UP Shri Ram Naik on behalf of GHS-IMR. He is a renowned corporate trainer to nearly top twenty companies of India in the field of ‘Time management and Branding’, Dr. Premi brings with him an enormous experience of 33 Years. His research papers in the field of branding have been published in many reputed journals and has two edited books to his credit. Also, he has been a Keynote Speaker in many nationals and International conferences and seminars.

Ques 1: Kindly tell us about your experience in the education industry and what makes it the best industry to work in?

Ans. The experience in education industry has been very enriching, probably this is the only place where you can add value and contribute significantly to the society.

Ques 2: Any of the significant challenges you faced as a part of Gaur Hari Singhania Institute?

Ans. We belong to an organization “JK Group” which is our true nation builder as it has been leading changes in the country for the past almost 140 years.

Ques 3: How does your curriculum ensure best practices of industry?

Ans. Our curriculum is designed through a high-level committee of academicians and industry think tanks who guide us twice a year as to what employers expect from a management graduate. This requirement is integrated into our curriculum in terms of adding in chapters, courses, projects or cases.

Ques 4: What goals do you have in your mind for Gaur Hari Singhania Institute?

Ans. We aim to believe one of the finest institutes in the country, a place for developing next practices for the industry and that is how to position ourselves as a premium Institute where industry finds us as a hub of consulting and employable talent.

Ques 5: You pride yourself for the level of education and responsibility you teach here to students. How to you ensure the quality of education in your institution?

Ans. Quality education is at the core of our services and we ensure it through continuous development of our faculty in terms of their academic industrys exposure and training.

Ques 6: How do you build a positive school culture or climate?

Ans. We believe that students learn more outside the class as much as they do inside the class. Keeping the Institute vibrant through sports cultural activities management function wise clubs and committees and passionate faculty and staff.

Ques 7: How do you tend to establish a relationship with the students?

Ans. The bonding with students is through a very special 3-tier mentor mentee programs where each student gets a faculty, alumni and an industry personnel as a mentor and try to focus on overall development of the students.

Ques 8: How do you look at the growth of students through placement opportunities available at IMR? How do you wish to push the envelope further?

Ans. The placement opportunities are immense at GHS-IMR. Our Institute with an alumni base of 1800 usually runs short on fulfilling recruitment demand of employers we try to expand vertically in terms of better packages of students.

Ques 9: What is the philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

Ans. I believe in leading by an example in a very friendly and passionate manner ensuring the inclusive growth of students, faculty, and staff.

Ques 10: Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

Ans. My only suggestion to the current youth is that focus on adding values for your own self in terms of being sensitive towards the people society and environment. The actual responsibility starts once they are hired and have to prove if they can sustain success, then current job and the resources including climatic. Love what you do is my only suggestion, rest will follow.