Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. Abhay Kumar is currently working as the Pro Vice-Chancellor of Sanskriti University. He has acquired an MBA and a doctorate degree with his hard work. He has a total work experience of 3 and a half decades. He has been an entrepreneur for 3 years and worked in the industry for over 16 years as Senior Manager- Personnel. He has a keen interest in the field of Marketing Management; Strategy being his forte. He has more than 17 years of experience in Teaching and Research. He has a good number of research papers published to his credit. He has also headed several management institutes of repute and served in Universities as well. He has been supervising Ph.D, M.Phil., and MBA students in their research work and projects. He has also been the Principal Investigator of Govt. Sponsored Projects during his career.
Dr. Kumar has organized and chaired several national and international Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, and Colloquiums. He has also been the Keynote speaker/Chief Guest at a number of Conferences, Seminars etc. and been instrumental in the organization of various FDP’s and MDP’s. He is a member of numerous bodies related to management education and is on the Board of Management, Advisory Board as well as Member BOS and RDC of a good number of Institutes and Universities.
The Education sector builds the future of the country
After spending around two decades in the corporate sector, I decided to join Academics. Since then I have no regrets. It gives me immense excitement to acknowledge the fact that as an academician it is a real pleasure to shape up the lives of ambitious youths, interact with young minds, nurture their dream and mentor them to follow their passion which certainly boosts up my energy a lot.
We, academicians, build the future of our country with our own hands. This, according to me brings the greatest satisfaction in life - both professionally as well as personally.
I strongly recommend the education industry as the best place to work.
Being fair with colleagues and subordinates gains respect and acceptability from them
I strongly believe in these three keywords - foresee, focus and fair and my management philosophy of leadership is based on this principle.
I hate to do and avoid firefighting. I believe that one should be able to foresee the future and focus on facts and key result area to avoid probable mistakes and achieve gainful results in the work he is involved in.
I believe to be fair with colleagues and subordinates, which gives me a lot of respect, acceptability and added advantage.
This simple principle and philosophy make my life easier and makes me able to perform the task in a more acceptable and simpler way.
Project-based learning is the new modern approach to education
The old-school model of passive learning of obsolete and irrelevant facts, rehearsing and reciting them has become out of context and is no longer efficient and sufficient to prepare students for today's fast-changing competitive world. Project-based learning is a student-centric approach that involves dynamic learning of more complex and real issues and helps to develop knowledge, acquire skills to investigate the environment in a systematic and interesting way in a knowledge-based technological savvy modern society.
The Value-added Program modules try to bridge the gap between industry and academia.
It should get a path into the mainstream education system as they prepare the students to take an easy step into the corporate world. This way, they would be well-acquainted with the corporate culture and easily promoted to be industry-ready.
Time management is crucial for every individual to be successful
Not only for me but time management is the most crucial part of every successful individual’s life. With great responsibilities comes a greater need for time management.
Every day when I wake up, I take 5-10 minutes to think of my day’s schedule and prioritize my list of work and activities. Based on the importance of the work, I finally have to look at and overlook certain tasks.
Also, being at par with the integral principles of time management, I try to keep my focus wholly on the task that I am doing and try to foresee its possible result, effects and anticipated problems. This saves me time and reduces mistakes and amendments in the context of the work at hand.
Acknowledging and appreciating students’ achievements helps in building a warm relationship with them
As the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Sanskriti University, my job is to serve the students, mentor them and make myself available to them. Reaching out to the students is always on my priority list. I try to take out time from my administrative work to interact with young minds. They come to me with lots of expectations and hope. With warmth and passion, I try to nurture them, understand their strengths and vulnerabilities and inspire them to chase their dreams. Acknowledging and appreciating their achievements, however small they may be, helps me a great deal in establishing a warm and friendly relationship with them. I share anecdotes of my two decades long industrial experience and more than seventeen years of academic pursuits with them. To be available to the students is my obligatory responsibility, but being amongst the students give me a mental high.
A current of competition stirs the students to do their best
According to me, the ideal school environment should be a place conducive to learning. Along with providing state-of-art infrastructure, and best faculty guides, we should keep the environment distraction free. There should be a current of competition which would bring the best out of each student. Ample space, opportunity and platform to nurture nascent ideas should be provided.
Cooperation and harmony always remain the keywords in the success of an institution
The ideal environment is that where it inculcates the culture of innovation and creativity. We must strive to make our students graduate from being simple learners to become thinkers.
Sanskriti’s journey from a newborn to of the best emerging private universities
The journey of Sanskriti started in 2010 as Sanskriti Group of Institutions with a humble beginning of 165 students in the first year. Since then, there has been no looking back. The University has become one of the best emerging private universities in India with state of the art infrastructure having 16 schools and more than 4000 students as on 2017-2018. This year, we hope to have more than 5000 students on our rolls. In the next five years, we aim to be the best private university in India.
Suggestions for the youth to excel in their career
Explore yourself and trust yourself. Exercise your strengths and make the best use of opportunities.