Inclusion of new technologies like AI, Data Science, Blockchain, IoT in curriculum holds the key, writes Anurag Goswami (Asst Prof, Dept of CSE, Bennett University)

Anurag Goswami
(Asst Prof, Dept of CSE,
Bennett University)

In the modern world of computing, engineering aspirants are well aware of how important it to be able to adapt to the ever-changing business and industry trends. With the introduction of modern technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data Science, Blockchain, IoT (Internet of Things) and many more have changed the dynamics of industries in various ways.

According to the, even before 2014, 61% of Computer Science graduates had full-time jobs and an average salary of $66,161, which is the highest among all the disciplines of engineering. The world has witnessed a substantial increase in the trend of technologies. This rapid change has enabled the growth in the demand for skilled employees in the industries.

Nowadays, employers need not just technical experts but all-rounders who can deliver entrepreneurial motivation and help in reaching the goals of the company/ industry at large. The method of modern software industries has also changed. Now, they believe in empowering everyone to achieve the agile culture, where teams are working collaboratively in a cohesive manner and employees are also moving between several types of roles and organisations. All of this helps employees to improve their personality -  quality to become visionary, who can lead, collaborate, and can deliver outstanding outcomes that result in the success of the software industries.

All of these qualities must be embedded in the very start of a CSE student career. Here, educators play a significant role, as they are the individuals who will train them on how they must deal or face the challenges awaiting in the real world. However, various educational institutions are still following the traditional classroom approach to impart education. This approach is creating an unintentional gap between academic and industry. Such freshers feel demotivated as they are unaware of the steps or ways that must be taken to overcome a challenge.

We at Bennett University (BU) are very well aware and understand the ever-changing demands and trends of the industries. So, imbibing the rapidly evolving technology needs while envisioning its future, our CSE program has introduced courses such as AI, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), Cloud Computing, IoT, Data Science, Blockchain, Image Processing at undergraduate and graduate level courses.

Along with the traditional in-class teaching approach; our faculty try to mix up their method of imparting knowledge via interactive and engaging videos & animations, tools, active learning, flipside learning, and experiential learning. We believe that through these ways, a student will have a better understanding of the industry needs and the real-world problems in society.

Exposing students to the breadth of the technical knowledge that is in demand with the industries increase their chance of getting hired. The education institutions must understand that the students should be exposed to practical expertise at the very start of their program. It will help them to understand the industry, build their character and gain confidence to face any challenge in the future.

Overall, modern industries require flexible employees, i.e. can adapt to a 360o environment of roles and techniques to achieve their objectives. It becomes necessary for the academic organisations to empower students with both technical and non-technical skills that add to their agility. To meet these requirements, the institution must adopt the latest trends in teaching techniques and should update their curriculum regularly along with fostering students with relevant skills.