Think & Learn’, one of the top recruiters of UEM Jaipur, has an estimated worth of 1 billion US Dollars. Think & Learn has recruited a huge number of UEM students in the last 3 years. The average salary packages offered to the students have ranged between INR 4.5 Lakhs to INR 10 Lakhs per annum.

“The Telegraph” also released an article on April 6th, 2018 covering the details about the estimated worth of Think & Learn. In March 2018, UEM Jaipur continued a great run of providing placements to its students. A total of 338 job offers were provided to the eligible 245 students listed in February.

UEM, Jaipur

Highlights of UEM 2018 placement:

  • 338 job offers to 245 students
  • Salary package of 10 Lakhs per annum offered to 2 students
  • Salary package of INR 9 Lakhs per annum offered to 5 students
  • A student named Adarsha Chatterjee got 6 job offers
  • 4 students received 4 job offers each