Hyderabad, February 06, 2019: In line with the Union Government’s vision of aligning the students with modern means and promoting innovations, the Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE), and Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education in association with Elets Technomedia Pvt Ltd has organized the two-day Conclave February 5 and 6, 2019 at Hotel Marriot, Hyderabad. The aim of the conclave, supported by ICFAI, was to showcase innovations in Higher Education and the best practices in Human Resources.
On the second day, during the “Fire Side Chat Round” Dr. R S Praveen Kumar, Secretary, Telangana Social Welfare & Tribal Welfare Residential Education Institutions (TSWREIS) Government of Telangana had an exciting chat with Prof. Sudhakar Rao, Director-Branding, ICFAI Group. During the conversation, Prof. Rao has interviewed many areas of Praveen Kumar’s personal and professional life, mission, and vision in bringing out innovative practices.
While highlighting the Teacher Training Program, as Dr. Praveen said: “We don’t train teachers in the classrooms but train them by sending to the nearest communities and surrounding villages to understand the parents and children so that the teacher should be compassionate while teaching in the classroom.” He also stated that from this year onwards they are planning to introduce the Freedom School concept where each district is allotted 2 schools where teachers will act as a guide while students learn on their own.
Further, during the interaction, Dr. Praveen enlightened about the initiatives that have been undertaken by TSWREIS. “During the first year of graduation, students are encouraged to join the 3C Programme, where they develop better communication skills, character, and confidence. During the second year, students are trained exclusively on computation skills, for the third year we have a special programme called 3E, under which students are encouraged to focus on Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship. The best practices we adopt are to boost confidence and inculcate life skills among the students. The other practices are Project Mirror, Project beyond four walls, youth parliament sessions, Virtual Carnival, Bharat Darshan, International Internships, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, etc.”
Prof. Sudhakar Rao has engaged the audience quite well with questions such as advancing entrepreneurship in schools, rebranding the schools as “TELANGANA GURUKUL” etc. Dr. Praveen replied that “We should have introduced entrepreneurship much earlier but for the prioritization of teaching the English language. Now, we will adopt it on a full scale. For rebranding, we have to undergo the constitutional norms and legal issues which are under consideration.”
Eminent dignitaries from Telangana State Government Mr. Navin Mittal, Commissioner, Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Mr. Rajendra Nimje, Director General, Centre for Good Governance, Dr. A Ashok, Commissioner & Secretary, Intermediate Education, Mr. Sujiv Nair, CEO, Telangana Academy for Knowledge & Skill, Directors from various educational institutions, Heads of various Multi-National Information Technology organizations had participated in the Conclave.