For many of us, the words "College Residence" conjure up images of cramped bedrooms, moldy showers, and tight quarters. For generations, hostel rooms have mostly been small and spare, the expectation being that busy students spend little time in their rooms and thus require only the bare necessities.

In the present day scenario, the world is undergoing a lot of changes in terms of many things. The International School of Management Excellence, Bangalore is welcoming you to its resort-style on-campus accommodations. With our spacious rooms, common room and abundant amenities, ISME’s on-campus residence for both boys and girls make college life feel luxurious. 

ISME’s on-campus hostel for boys and girls is a home away home for management students, that offers beautiful views of green surroundings,
an open-air amphitheater, and a common area designed to provide stress relief

The hostel of the school is well equipped with CCTV cameras, 24*7 security. The in-house dining hall and night café which has been named as “Buzz” is always buzzing with student activities late into the evening. Many of ISME on-campus residents live in 2-person, 3-person rooms, so students can enjoy their privacy while still staying connected to the community of ISMEStudents will also get closets, personal study space and furniture with plenty of storage space.

The on-campus hostel is beloved by students for its modern look and impressive amenities. There is a number of activities that students indulge in beyond classes on the campus:

  • Movie Nights
  • Karaoke Singing Nights
  • Games- Basket Ball, Table Tennis, Badminton, etc.
  • Soft skills classes
  • Hobby classes

Available Services:

  • Hostel Mess: Food provided to all residents’ that includes breakfast, lunch, evening snacks and dinner
  • Medical: Hospitals and medical facilities in the vicinity of the campus for any medical need
  • The whole campus is wifi enabled for an uninterrupted learning environment.
  • RO drinking water, Hot & cold water availability

In ISME, on-campus residence students develop a spirit of competition and brotherhood. It broadens the outlook of the students. It provides them better opportunities to develop the spirit of service and sacrifice. Students develop organizing capacity here. They arrange different functions. On the whole, life in ISME hostel develops the personality of the students. It builds their character. To stay in the ISME hostel is a blessing, a joy, a lesson, and a great responsibility.