Snehasish Das is presently working as Administrator at Gurukul Management Studies, Kolkata. With over 5 years of teaching experience in different Institutes and running the administration of Gurukul Management Studies, he is working to provide better education at an affordable price in order to cater widely to the education industry. He has also been instrumental in building a stronger community, and flourishing student and faculty base in the institution. 

Gurukul Management Studies

What do you see as GSM’s greatest strengths?

“A healthy learning atmosphere and placements”

We are moving forward with best educational practices, and the friendly students and teachers relationship we maintain here. The more students get involved through events, the more they are encouraged and more they can move forward. Also, we have a 100% placement record in the past few years. We have a well-established learning tradition, honour and discipline. 

How does the curriculum of GMS ensure the best practice of industry?

“Expert integrations from different industrial fields”

The curriculum is made by expert professionals and people with rich industry experience. Various software engineers are in touch with us and design course curriculum for BCA and others. Similarly, for Hotel Management we have contacts with different hotel GMs who give tips to the students and offer training where students can learn and develop skills. We have incorporated regular internships and workshops as well apart from theory classes. 

What do you think should be GMS’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Empowerment of needy students and good amenities”

In the next 10 years, the top priority of Gurukul will be focused on empowering the students from rural areas and who fall behind, so that these students can later get settled and successful after getting a degree from Gurukul. And ultimately they can get a job that will fulfill their own requirements. As we are growing gradually, we strive to come up with more facilities for our students and staff in the coming years. 

Check Gurukul Management Studies Courses & Fees

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

“Low fee structure and diverse job opportunities”

The main fact that in such a small amount of money no one can do management courses so near to Kolkata is still unknown to people. The financial support that Gurukul provides to its students is not known to people as well. We give jobs as well as full support to all our students for their holistic development. There are different students who passed out from Gurukul and are now well settled in their jobs in different hotels like JW Marriott and some of them are even outside West Bengal. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

“Dreams are just a start point, make them everlasting”

There is only one thing I want to tell them, that is, Dream Big. If you can turn your dreams into reality, with proper labour, then definitely you can reach success and happiness in life. I will say to all the youth that Keep On Dreaming and definitely you will reach your goals.

Click Gurukul Management Studies Placement

How do you maintain a healthy relationship on your campus?

“Keeping a supportive and cooperative environment”

The first thing is, when students come to college, they are already an adult and know many of the things already. We obviously cannot teach them something forcefully and we cannot even mix with them in an over-friendly way. So, we maintain a healthy distance between this. Gurukul is not based on a single person but a team who cooperates with one another to provide best to the students.