Prof. Manish Kumar Mishra is a HOD (ME) at the Bhilai Institute of Technology. He has done his B.E from Pt. R.S.S.U Raipur, M.Tech. from NIT Raipur, Executive MBA from IMT Bhopal and Pursuing a Ph.D. in the field of MEMS and Luminescence. He has experience of 5 years in Industry and 14 years in academics. He has published more than 25 papers in various reputed international journals along with 2 book chapters and attended several national and international conferences. He has been granted 1 patent and applied for 3 more patents. He is also an active life member of the Institution of Engineers, the Indian Society of Technical Education, and International Association of Advanced Materials, and the International Association of Engineers. He held several academic and administrative positions throughout his career and guided more than 15 M.Tech. scholars in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Safety.
What keeps you connected with the education sector?
“To share industrial knowledge and possibilities among youngsters”
I began my career in different industries. Most of the youngsters in industries are aware of concepts and technologies. This enthusiasm connects me to choose an academician as a future career. I want to share the experience and possibilities for the work among youngsters. Our campus is famous for technical education. It aids me to share my industrial knowledge and experience among students by giving practical insights to students. The Institute always supported me to give my best to students. I use all possible resources to build a better future in the technical field.
What are your roles and responsibilities?
“Give academic and learning environment to the student”
My primary role is to enable academic and learning environments for the students through modern teaching techniques using ICT tools. It is necessary to resolve the academic issue of students and achieve excellence. We motivate and manage staff for an enthusiastic working environment. The theory and the practical classes improve the performance of students. Moreover, the research activity is going well. Guest Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, and Workshop available to all pupils.
What extracurricular activities on campus enhance the skills of students?
“Workshops and training programs available to all pupils”
The Mechanical Engineering department organizes various workshops and training programs for students. It provides the association with external agencies in the field of CAD, ROBOTICS, IC Engines, and Manufacturing Processes. We impart skills required by various industries in the present scenario.
How does the curriculum of BIT Raipur ensure students' preparation for the future?
“Provide training and skills to students”
We prepare pupils for a brighter future in education. Our campus follows the curriculum of the university. It is designed on the aspects of technical education. The institute enables life skills and training for all pupils through several programs. It maintains equilibrium in life-present and future.
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How do you bring a practical approach towards subjects and make them industry-oriented?
“Provide awareness about ICT tools, working technologies and safety culture to students”
We educate students according to the latest technological developments. Our campus conducts guest lectures, provides awareness about ICT tools, working technologies, and safety culture to students. Regular industrial visits conducted by the department to relate with theoretical classroom concepts. We also undergo summer training for final year students.
What approaches do you bring apart from the curriculum to train the students?
“Train students to attain communication skills, soft skills and co-curricular activities”
Students must learn the content beyond the curriculum. It aids to pace with the latest technology. We assist students to attain communication skills, soft skills, and co-curricular activities. These are offered by various clubs. The development of robotic models guided by the department. Activities in the fabrication of household and design are also taught to pupils.
What do you like people to know about BIT Rajpur?
“Highly qualified faculties provide classes to pupils”
Our teaching and non-teaching staff put their sincere efforts. It maintains a position in the technical field and society. The faculties are involved in research and innovation activities, national and international conferences. They get a grant for different projects from funding agencies like TEQIP, CGCOST, and CREDA.
What are the greatest strengths of BIT Raipur?
“Every faculty and management are an asset to the campus”
We provide quality education to students in each department. Our motto is to provide the best knowledge to students. The faculties are dedicated to their work. It helps us to stand as a center of excellence. Management is also supportive and promotive to the employees in all aspects.
What challenges do you see for higher education and BIT Raipur?
“To develop an industry-related program in academics”
One of the challenges is to develop a successful industry-institute program for students during academics. They are lacking in skills. It is necessary to be updated with changing scenarios. A joint venture developed by the government aims to groom the students with the industry demand. The campus provides students with skills through academic careers and curricular activities.
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Any suggestions do you like to give to aspiring students?
“Know Your Potential and Pursue Your Passion”
Follow your passion by identifying your strength. Youth break the challenges through their skills. Evaluate yourself and work hard for a better future.