Apeejay institute of management and technology campus

Dr. Rajesh Bagga is the Director Apeejay Institute of Management Technical Campus, Jalandhar. He is a meticulous professional possessing a rich experience in teaching, research, research guidance and other academic / administrative pursuits of more than two decades. His academic qualifications include a Doctorate in Management, L.L.B. and M.Com. His 20 research publications along with 2 books, 3 training programmes and 2 doctoral degrees completed and 8 doctoral students presently enrollment under my supervision, and over 120 MBA dissertations.

The joy of serving the society as an educator and contribute towards nation-building is incomparable

My career commenced as an educator (what is termed as the designation of an Assistant Professor in the present times). I have taught various subjects related to my area of expertise, and I reckon I do not have just vast experience of decades in teaching but in handling other areas as well that are associated with the running of any educational institution. I reckon that the best part of being an educator and serving in the education sector is that you get an opportunity to serve society, and contribute massively to nation-building. Especially, serving in this sector gives myriad of opportunities to nurture prospective professionals, corporate workforce, engineers, managers, IT Professionals, Data Analysts, which shapes the country. There is nothing more that could give one contentment and happiness. It’s satisfying to serve in this sector.

I believe in an Open Door Policy where inputs from all stakeholders are put on a table and discussed openly 

The ideology of leadership is completely different for me. To me, Leadership is not about dictating others but getting along with others. It is more about helping others reach their full potential, and encouraging to coming out of their cocoons. I have rendered responsibilities in various capabilities besides fulfilling my teaching responsibilities. This gave me ground-level experience which plays a pivotal role in helping others with my experiences. I make sure that my team learns from my experiences so that they don’t have troubles I went through in carrying out certain activities, but at the same time, I make sure that everybody in the team gets to participate, give inputs, share ideas, give feedback, etc. I believe in what is termed as Open – Door Policy.

Our robust institute-industry interface helps us run best curriculum practices

Relevant curriculum is crucial to academic success of any organization. This necessitates the need of revising, redesigning curriculum, and academic practices. In order to ensure that we keep ourselves abreast with all that is going on in the corporate world, and ensure that we are making all efforts to impart requisite skills among our students, we regularly update our curriculum. For this purpose, we have a committed team of faculty members who works regularly to ensure that we are covering each aspect. Our team seeks opinions and feedback from industry-experts, recruiters, our alumni who are serving at prestigious positions. Our strong institute-industry interface helps us run best curriculum practices. Guest lectures from industry-experts, seminars, conferences; webinars, etc. become inextricable segment of the regular curriculum. 

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Camaraderie corroborates conducive and pleasant working environment

A sense of belonging for the workplace helps formulate a strong team and ensures proper functioning mechanism in the institute. The leadership should make every possible effort to guarantee transparency and equal distribution of work responsibilities. In order to make working environment conducive and pleasant, there should be a sense of camaraderie among the members, and this has to start with by empathetic leadership. Moreover, opportunities for personal growth and development also serve as positive reinforcement and encouragement to employees. ‘Happy and contented employees are going to make a great team- ready to take on the world’, that is my philosophy of creating a conducive work environment

Social media plays a crucial role to ensure online presence in terms of marketing

I believe that social media plays a pivotal role in the present times as far as marketing is considered. We have a dedicated social media team who ensure that we have online presence at all good social media platforms, not just for marketing but also to establish a strong connection with our stakeholders. As far as administration is concerned, though we have a hierarchical set-up to ensure smooth functioning of all the departments and committees, we also lay emphasis on Open Door Policy to ensure transparency and constructive feedback.

My roles and responsibility comprises of ensuring that value added quality education is delivered to the students

I reckon my prime responsibility is to make every possible effort to ensure provision of quality education to students. Then I have a responsibility to act as strong mediator between university and students. I have to keep informed the University of Things we need to incorporate for student enrichment, and I have to keep serving as mentor of students, offering them proper guidance and take their feedbacks and inputs into serious consideration as well.

The world recognizes the value of onboarding people from diverse backgrounds and experiences

Not only educational institutions but countries and companies around the world are putting emphasis on inclusion. The world recognizes the value of having people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, countries. This brings new experiences and new ways of thinking. We also believe in that and try to make students from different states feel at home while being a student of our college. We also promote short student-exchange programs.

The milestones that we have achieved boost our morale and commitment to work

We are already an established institute and have been the first preference of students interested in getting admission in MBA, MCA, BTech, BBA, BCom (Honors) and BCA. We have just been ranked as Number 1 Private Educational Institute in Punjab. These milestones and achievements boost our morale and commitment to work for the cause of providing quality professional education. But we believe that we have to keep working diligently and make constant efforts. Considering the present scenario and industrial requirements, we have started two new specialized courses: B Tech Computer Science & Engineering, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and Internet of Things & Cyber Security, including Block Chain Technology. We hope to become one of the top-notch colleges of the country in providing professional education in all these courses.

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Students have to ensure that not only they work hard but work smart as well

I would like to tell my young friends that there is no dearth of opportunities, be it learning opportunities or career opportunities. All that is required a spirit to learn, and spirit to make a mark in life. If they have indomitable spirit in them, they are definitely going to find a way. They have to prep up to make it big in life and that calls for enhancing one’s skill set, one’s knowledge. Quality education can enable them to fulfil their dreams. They don’t just have to work hard but have to work smartly as well which means that they have to gauge the market conditions, prevailing scenario and be fully aware of the sectors which would enable them to get good jobs and accomplish their goals. They should seek proper guidance for this purpose and work accordingly.