Kodaikanal Christian College is the first private Arts and Science College institution located in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu. The college is internationally acclaimed and provides students a chance to visit and study in International Universities. It has received the Best College Award for three consecutive years. KCC has designed a program called “Study in India and Work to settle in Canada” which allows the students to pursue higher education abroad. Read more about the latest events and happenings of the institute:
Kodaikanal Christian College held International Conference on ‘Human Rights Fundamentals: The Indian Perspective’

Date: October 11, 2021
The Department of Social work and English completed their International Conference on “Human Rights Fundamentals: The Indian Perspective” with a wide range of informative, innovative, and interactive sessions with the complete guidance and support of the Chairman and Management. This one-day event which was organized on the 24th of September 2021 included the keynote address by Mr. Henri Tiphagne, a Special address by Dr. Vaidhei Vijayakumar, a Panel discussion by Ms, Semmalar Jebaraj, Ms. Brida Adige, Ms. Grace Banu, Dr. Ipe Varghese, Paper Presentations, Quiz competition, and Cultural events.
The conference day started with a Palm sign campaign, where all the staff and students of Kodaikanal Christian College were present. The institute received a total of 1153 registrations for the conference. On the day, 380 participants joined the Conference via ZOOM and 7 participants viewed the event via Youtube. The day started with the prayer followed by the college anthem and choir song. The Chairman & the Principal, Dr. Sam Abraham inaugurated the event with his precise and enthusiastic words about Human Rights. He declared the day as ‘All Equal Day’. He also welcomed all the guests for the day with a brief introduction. He introduced the keynote speaker Mr. Henri Tiphagne, an advocate, Human rights defender, Social activist, addressed the crowd from his strong words and how various human rights violations take place in different parts of the Country.
Dr. Vaidhei Vijayakumar, Vice-chancellor, Mother Teresa Women’s University addressed the participants on Human Rights Education and its importance. Ms. Ellen was the moderator of the panel discussion. The conference had panelists from different parts of the country, addressing the gathering from different perspectives. Ms. Pinky and Ms. Leena Jacob, Head of the Dept, gave the vote of thanks for the keynote speaker. Mr. Ashish, the Convenor of the conference, gave the vote of thanks to the panelists. He also shared his gratitude for all the participants who participated from across the world. Mr. Joy Mathews and Ms. Raja Rajeshwari who was the MC of the day concluded the morning session by inviting all the participants for the afternoon sessions. Ms. Sherin, the student convenor, moderated the Paper presentation session and received thirteen effective research papers from all across India.
Winners and Runners outstanding work for Social Snap (Photography), Social Activism (Poster making), and Slogan writing were announced. Fact Fiesta (Online Quiz) finals were moderated by Ms. Kiruba & Ms. Bavithra. Four rounds were conducted and scores were calculated accordingly to announce the winners in the end. The Valediction address was given by Prof. Pinky. The final vote of thanks was given by Ms. Aishat and a feedback link was shared with all the participants. The event gave a holistic understanding and knowledge of Human Rights to all the participants.
It was a successful one-day Conference organized with the complete support of the management, faculty, and the technical team. This gave a great learning experience for the departments for organizing the entire event on Human Rights which in turn helped everyone to learn in-depth on the needs to ‘Be the Voice for the Voiceless’.
Kodaikanal Christian College held Conference on “Banking Landscape in Current century and Fintech Revolution in India”

Date: October 11, 2021
The Department of Management and Commerce of Kodaikanal Christian College has conducted a National Conference on “Banking landscape in a current century & Fintech revolution” on September 22, 2021. The conference was mainly focused on maximizing the utilization of changes in the banking sector for personal and corporate enhancement and in identifying the current changes in financial operations. Mr. P.Pradeep Kumar, former Managing Director of SBI and SBT, Chief Information Officer, Deputy Managing Director of Global Markets Country Head of US operations, gave the keynote address on recent changes in Banking and Fintech Revolution in India. Faculty Convenor, Prof. Vivekanantha and Co-convenor of the Conference, Prof. Vivekanantha and Prof. Nivedhitha Rajam and Student Convenor Mr. Fredy Sam Yohannan were also present. There were 3 different committees present namely Marketing, Technical and Finance.
- Marketing Committee: Marketing Committee was taking care of collecting data from various colleges across India and also collected E.mail ids from Google. The committee heads allocated the students by dividing them based on geographical locations. Marketing members had a regular follow-up of participants. Approximately more than 1000 calls were made to various colleges and also contacted colleges abroad.
- Technical Committee: Technical Committee was responsible for making brochures, posters, promo videos. They were sending all the emails that were forwarded by the marketing department. The committee also was also responsible for papers, and PPT.
- Finance Committee: Finance Committee was very helpful during the initial stages, especially when they were raising funds through a student bazaar, which was conducted on July 28, 2021. They will be sharing 20% of the profit from HMCS, apart from that they have gained the profit of INR 2640 and from paper presentations, the committee received INR 2,300.
The National Conference received a total of 897 registrations. All together through Zoom, Youtube and Facebook, there were around 900 participants. They received more than 55 registrations for Paper presentations but only 10 papers were selected and allowed to present at the National Conference 2021. Former Vice-Principal of KCC and HOD of Management Department Dr. Joseph Devadason was the moderator for both morning and evening sessions. The Outcome of the National Conference 2021 was amazing and enlightened participants with knowledge focusing on the financial technological revolution. In short, participants gained awareness of payment portals and digital transactions.
Kodaikanal Christian College held Conference on “New Opportunities and Challenges in Augmented Intelligence and IoT”

Date: October 11, 2021
The International Conference on New Opportunities and Challenges in Augmented Intelligence & IoT was conducted by the Department of Computer Science & Information Technology at Kodaikanal Christian College, on the 23rd of September 2021 bore witness to the gathering of 200 delegates across the globe via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. The International conference is a forum to bring together students, researchers, scientists, software architects, and industry professionals to discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, and the next generation of information technologies. This year 921 participants registered for the event and the institute received 25 technical papers comprising different themes for the paper presentation. At the conference, the 10 best papers were presented in different technologies from different countries. The primary goal of the conference is to provide opportunities and solve the challenges in the field of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Furthermore, it also aims to encourage academic and industry interaction to promote collaborative research activities involving scientists, engineers, professionals, researchers, and students.
The conference started off with the welcome address by our beloved Chairman and Principal, Dr. Sam Abraham, Kodaikanal Christian College. He gave an introduction about the Keynote speakers and expressed the importance of technology in various fields in society. Mr. Michael Executive Director Artificial Intelligence and Data related programs, Verizon, New York, USA expressed his knowledge on the Industrial Application of Artificial Intelligence & 5G and those technologies that have helped in the Covid-19. Mr. Eswarlingam, Global Delivery Manager, ERP & SAP Merck Group, Bangalore expressed his ideas on the Fundamentals of Data Science and how those technologies were used in industrial projects. ICNOCAII 2021 Research and Development Areas include Data Science, Internet of Things, AI & Machine Learning, Deep learning, Cryptography and Data Security, Threat Intelligence, Cyber Forensics, Blockchain Technology, Artificial Neural Network and Social Networks Visualization and Analysis. _Hundreds of attendees, paper presenters, keynote and tutorial participants, and students have benefited in many ways from this conference. More than 100 scientific papers were presented by authors from 18 countries in Technical Sessions that were held at Nazarbayev University and Gumilyov Eurasian National University. All accepted papers had been categorized into the following six sessions:
- Cyber Security Issues
- Latest Trends in ICT Applications
- Cyber Security Issues
- Big Data, Data Mining and Data Engineering
- Communication, Network and Hardware
- ICT in Governance, Business Administration, Finance and Economy
- ICT in Education, Humanities, Social Sciences and Research
The General Chair of the AICT2014 Assoc. Prof. Abzetdin Adamov expressed deep gratitude on behalf of Organizing and Steering Committees to the Administration of co-organizing and hosting universities: Nazarbayev University, Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Qafqaz University, the Institute of Information Security Issues of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Institute of Information Security and Cryptology. Special thanks were extended to the staff of the Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System (NURIS) which worked all together and worked extremely hard to prepare an outstanding conference.
Finally, sponsors of AICT2014 were handed with honor plaques: Thomson Reuters, Mikro Information Handling and Distribution FZE, Chevron Corporation, EMC Corporation, Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan, Faktor, TAMUR, and Doctor Web. Social Program and Banquet dinner take place before the closing ceremony. AICT2014 Closing Ceremony was held in one of the co-organizing and hosting universities Gumilyov Eurasian National University. (Abridged version of a Closing address by General Chair) Ladies and gentlemen, The 8th International Conference on "Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT 2014" is now drawing to a close.
Prof.Pandiaraj Perumal, Convener (ICNOCAII2021), Department of CS & IT, KCC extends sincere gratitude and appreciation to all, for their invaluable contributions in making this event a great success. The hope of the past three days has been fruitful as everyone makes the most of it from the sessions they attended. Through a wide range of keynote speeches, tutorials, and discussions, have been presented with new ways to deal with some of the challenges in the application of ICT. Everyone is requested to share their experiences and expertise with other participants from near and far, and that a cordial relationship is established among us during the AICT2014 Conference will further strengthen. But, of course, the real measure of this conference's success lies in how it will affect everyone - the participants, or more precisely, how it will affect the participants of the action after they leave Astana.