Dr. Sachin Sharma has been working as the Principal of Annie Besant College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. He has done BJ, LLB, M.Com, MBA and Ph.D. as part of academics. He is the Regional Director of Madhya Pradesh Bhoj University and the district organizer of NSS. He has written more than 50 research papers on subjects like Commerce, Management and Finance, guided 9 Ph.D. aspirants in completing their Ph.D. and is currently assisting 8 Ph.D. aspirants. He has also been a brand ambassador of Indore and being an important part of NSS, he has conducted and managed cleaning drives at various schools and colleges.

Annie Besant College Indore

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Happiness and satisfaction which I get after teaching young minds"

I personally have a very gratifying experience with the higher education sector. And I am fortunate enough that I got opportunities to work as a teacher, mentor, trainer, Ph.D. guide and administrator in this sector. It gives me immense pleasure when I see youths growing into responsible mature adults, and happiness becomes doubled when it happens due to my contribution. This sense of fulfillment makes education the best sector to work with 

Being the Principal of Annie Besant, what is your philosophy of leadership?

"A leader knows how to use existing details to take future decisions"

I firmly believe that leadership is nothing but a set of beliefs and principles which helps an individual to evaluate available information and helps him to respond to people and situations accordingly. It also allows one to gain an understanding of priorities and helps to adopt the correct approach for decision making. A good leader uses all three styles i.e. autocratic, democratic and delegative, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, leader and the situation.

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your institute?

“We use both offline and online modes to reach among students”

We design our marketing campaigns and programs as per the requirements of our target students. And to expand our reach among them we use digital media and other offline modes. We take admissions based on merit of students. To manage each department of our college, we have an efficient marketing who handles all our social media accounts to create awareness about us and the education we offer, and an admission team to take admission of students. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practices of industry?

“It includes trainings and practical learning through projects"

We conduct activities like skill enhancement programs and vocational training sessions to ensure the overall personality development of our students. Also, to give them required practical experience and knowledge, we have tie ups with different local industries. Lastly, we organize workshops and assign projects on research methodologies to students to help them enhance their skills and secure a good job in organizations like Wipro, Infosys, Reliance and Bajaj etc.

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How is your institute more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We provide equal opportunities to everyone to learn and grow"

Our main objective is empowerment of our students by educating and training them physically, morally, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Because the Vedic period has taught us that education bestows knowledge, respect and skills to enhance the quality of life and ensure overall holistic development of a person. 

What are your responsibilities for the institute and students?

"To interact with them regularly and maintain a healthy learning ambiance"

I am responsible for providing all kinds of learning opportunities along with a healthy ambiance to my students to ensure their overall growth in a disciplined manner. Periodic entertainment and cultural activities are also conducted to keep them physically and mentally fit. And as a principal, I have always strived for perfection in each and every function associated with me. Hence, I have to interact with all my faculty on a regular basis and try to sort out their problems on time.

What do you think should be the institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“We aspire to enhance our education quality for the benefit of students"

We aim to enhance our educational environment for the betterment of our students and their unsurpassed professional growth. Our focus is also to provide skill development programs and a platform for start-ups to our students. Because we want to develop leadership qualities in them so that they could generate opportunities for others. 

What are some of the greatest strengths of your institute?

“Our moral values and education we offer makes us strong"

Our ethical values are the key strengths of our institute. We offer value-based education to our students to give an edge to their professional career and this is what makes us unique in comparison to others. We also help our students to identify, enhance and develop their strengths. 

What are some of the biggest challenges your institute faced due to this pandemic?

"Establishing the infrastructure for online classes was a big challenge for us”

The global pandemic has transformed the mode of learning for everyone, be it teachers or students. And we also faced challenges while setting up the required infrastructure and technology to provide online learning resources to our students and teachers.

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Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Work hard to turn your dreams into reality and keep learning new skills"

I would like to suggest to my students and youths that hard work is the only option if you want a successful career for yourself. Keep yourself updated with the existing and latest industry trends. Keep looking for internships, OJTs, industrial visits and real-world projects or assignments along with regular studies, because all this will help you to utilise your existing skills and build new ones.