We at SISTec are proud to be ranked amongst top 10 colleges for Finance in India. But the question is why? And How?
Before answering these two questions, let us discuss some facts related to SISTec MBA. 100% of the last two batches are placed in the leading corporate. 75% attendance is compulsory for all the students pursuing MBA from SISTec MBA. Domain and skills specific placements are the strengths of SISTec MBA when the whole world is running towards Marketing Placements for the obvious reason of easy placements, SISTec MBA has made its placements domain specific and the major focus is on the interest of the students.
In a marketplace, where the MBA has remained a degree, SISTec MBA has become the torchbearer for the quality and skill-based Management Studies in India in general and Central India in particular. Major Corporate Tie-ups for placements make the backbone of the excellent placements at SISTec.
Now let me answer the question WHY?
SISTec MBA is situated in the city of Bhopal, which is known for its beauty and heritage but it is a city with less of the corporate interface as compared to cities like Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, etc or even nearby city of Indore which is flourishing as the economic capital of MP. But SISTec MBA has surpassed all the leading MBA colleges of these economic cities to become amongst the top 10 best colleges in India. The reason behind this achievement can be attributed to the quality academics, focus on skill development, excellent placements and innovative methods of teaching-learning.
Events and Practical Exposure:
We at SISTec MBA believe in the imparting of education in the most innovative manner. Eventful Wednesdays at SISTec MBA make the teaching-learning process interesting and also result oriented. Various events are organized by students like Nukkad Natak, Advertisement Making, Ad Mad Show, Brandoholic and more. These events help in the overall personality development of the students which finally helps them in their placements.
The various corporate has a tie-up with SISTec MBA to provide internships to students and all the internships provide an opportunity to “Earn while Learn” opportunities. At least 6 months paid internships are part of the MBA at SISTec MBA which makes the student corporate ready and then the placements become a cakewalk for them. In fact, most of the students are recruited full time by the corporate providing internship opportunities.
Focus on Skills:
At SISTec, rather than concentrating on University Exams, the entire focus is kept on the skill development where various training are organized on contemporary areas of jobs. The training and certifications in various emerging areas like Digital Marketing, Equity Research, HR Practices, Payroll Management, Google Analytics, Content Writing, Financial Modelling, etc.
National and International Certifications:
SISTec MBA students earn national and international certifications in various domains from leading players like Google, Microsoft, Hubspot, Oxford Home Study College, Make intern, Indian Institute of E-commerce, and more.
Footprints @Corporate:
The students of SISTec MBA have made their presence felt to all the leading corporate in India. The Leading placements of SISTec MBA have been to the corporate like HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, Byju’s, Toppr, Swiggy, Paytm, Payso, Capital Ways Financial Services, Epic Research, Genext HR, Bank of America, 4CS USA, etc.
Guest Lectures and Industrial Visits:
Guest Lectures and Industrial Visits are the routine events at SISTec MBA. Sagar Group known all over India for its industries acts as a very good training ground new budding managers. Guest Lectures from leading corporate strengthens the teaching-learning process more relevant and contemporary. It also helps students to remain updated with the recent changes in the industry.
Now let me answer the question HOW?
The biggest paradox here is between Quality Vs Quantity, the quality of teachers and mentor-student relationship.
Quality Vs Quantity:
SISTec MBA has 120 seats in MBA which have become most sought-after seats for MBA aspirants from the whole of India. Even after become amongst the top 10 leaders in Management Education in India, SISTec MBA has not gone for an increase in the number of seats. Rather of quality of teaching-learning process has always taken the first seat. The focus has been on skill building and following blue ocean strategy in Management education.
Quality of Teachers:
As all the faculties of SISTec MBA come from a corporate background with Doctorate in the field of Management, it makes the teachers more bent towards corporate training and placements rather than dry delivery of university curriculum.
Mentor-Student Relationship:
SISTec MBA has proved to be a revolution in the field of Management Education and has challenged the traditional teacher-student relationship. Here, Teachers are mentors and students are Management Trainees. SISTec MBA is a student-driven college and students are given responsibilities to organize events, take care of day today working of the college. Here Students are owners and thus they develop the entrepreneurial abilities over a period of time.
To conclude, I would just mention that quality always leads over quantity and it is very important to align higher education in our country with the corporate demand. We should realize the immense potential lying in our youth and should try to tap the same to make better tomorrow. The MBA program proves to be a role model for the new generation business schools which are qualitatively active, democratically governed, youth-centric and corporate-aligned in the market economy.