KIRC Kalol

Mr. Chetan Vora is currently designated as the Executive Chairman at KIRC Education Campus , Kalol. The academician has nearly 15 years of experience in the Teaching and Industrial field. In his interview he shares his thoughts on leadership and how scenarios have changed today, where many institutes need to engage in strong leadership and marketing tactics. He emphasises on the practical learning approach and compares the education system to that of foreign nations. The participation of industries ensures to bridge the gap between education and practical framework at industries. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the development process of students and ensuring to provide them a comfortable space to grow and learn. In the later segment of the interview he asks Students and parents to understand that selection of course varies from person to person. Each person is different and performs differently. On a concluding note, he shares his views that Relationships are the positive connections between students, adults and peers in the college.

Leadership is the major factor that makes everyone work together

Leadership is the major factor that makes everyone work together; without leadership, any business performs inefficiently. Leader works like a boat sail which can provide the right direction to the boat and ultimately the boat can achieve its destination. 

Leader should be active and would be in contact or familiar with the current scenario so he can communicate and motivate employees to increase dedication and achieve goals.Always welcome creativity or ideas of students and faculties. If they have a great idea that may increase the value of the institute, why not take advantage of that by providing a platform? 

Scenarios have changed, and many institutes needs to engage in strong marketing tactics to thrive in today’s market

Scenario or time have changed, and many institutes are finding that they need to engage in strong marketing tactics to thrive in today’s market. That means more institutes than ever are looking to develop marketing plans to guide them. Don’t try to do everything at once. As you begin to make a list of goals, it often can become excessive or overwhelming, especially for a multidisciplinary programme, campus with multiple courses which may have significantly different goals throughout the community. Some initiatives can easily be accomplished in one year; others may take two or three years. The viability of accomplishing each goal will depend on your institute community and the resources available to you, and many overarching goals will have subsets of goals that work towards accomplishing the larger goal.Pick the top three or four things that either need the most urgent attention or will have the greatest impact on your society in one year, and be realistic about your expectations.

In foreign countries,emphasis is put on learning; they allow creativity in education

In foreign countries, practical based learning is focused more, they allow creativity in education. Whereas In India; education is a formality, part of routine; every Indian must get a degree in Engineering or Medical stream; In India students are not given the choice to select their field of interest during secondary or higher secondary level study.

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The participation of industries will bridge the gap between education and practical framework at industries

In the present instructive framework, the participation of industries in educational program structure and delivery at institutions and colleges is needed to prepare the student for employment. This will bridge the gap between the industry and institutions and will enable the students to become industry ready. This will also reduce the time, effort and resources spent on the students at industries, before they will take up the real projects.

Industries regularly conduct workshops for students in emerging areas of technology and engineering. By this, industries directly address the students and train them in the best practices followed in industries. These workshops fill the gap between the faculty offering and industry requirement, if at all any. Industries regularly visit academic campuses to offer seminars to both faculty and students. Usually seminars revolve around the topics not immediately available in the curriculum. It may be about recent happenings in the technical and engineering world or about improving the soft skills of the student.

My primary role is to bridge functioning between Management Board and the appointed Academic officials of this institute

Being the Executive Chairman of this institute my primary role is to bridge functioning between the Management Board and the appointed Academic officials of this institute. Also, ensuring that the Board along with the academic heads to be effective or result oriented in its task of setting and implementing the institute’s direction and strategy.I am expected to act as the institute’s leading representative which will involve the presentation of the institute’s aims and the education policies implemented by the stated governed universities to the outside world.

At the same time I am also involved in ensuring effective communication with students through the special cell of senior students in various courses in which they work in disguise for me.

Coordination between management, heads, teachers, students is the greatest strength

Coordination between management, heads, teachers, students is the greatest strength. The work ethics is the base of this system. Again, I would like to add that we here are the crystal clear organisation based structure having the clear division of works allocation, which is deeply result oriented.

Students and parents should understand that selection of course varies from person to person

There is a significant rise in the technological segments as well as the time students spend on social media. This makes them vulnerable to indecisiveness in making a career choice. They should understand that people's actual selection of course or career vary person to person as per their background and skill and atmosphere but we don't have that knowledge, that’s why we arrange Seminars and Counselling Sessions for students for guideline of career every year.

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Relationships are the positive connections between students, adults and peers in the college

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

We, at KIRC, believe in inspiring students to become leaders. Relationships are the positive connections between students, adults and peers in the college setting that foster positive social interaction and establish a nurturing environment of trust and support. For that we have assigned every faculty member to be a mentor of 15 students in class. Hence, those will communicate in every aspect and would build up the nourished environment at classroom as well at student psychological levels and this sum would result entirely at the college and as well as the campus level. Therefore, the problems and the various hurdles of students' lives are being solved at this level. Thus, it becomes necessary for the staff and other officials to foster the relationship to be formed between students and Institute’s staff members are at the heart of connectedness.