Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Prof. Rajeev Thakur is currently working as the Asst. Professor teaching Physics at IES College of Technology. He has done B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Physics. He has a valuable experience of 12 years in teaching and administration.
Teaching is my passion and I enjoy the profession each day
I have been teaching here since last ten years. My experience in the education industry is almost 14 to 15 years. I have joined this profession because teaching is my passion. I want to inculcate a number of values other than educational skills in the students.
My philosophy of leadership works to improve students’ skills
My philosophy is that I have to put all of my efforts to make my every student the best.
Teaching students with different calibre at the same time is a challenge in itself
There are a number of challenges which I have faced because we have to deal with a variety of students. In that variety of students, we have students who are average and students who are genius. So, as a teacher, I have to maintain a constant graph among all the students.
It is a challenge that how I can make my average students stand with the genius students at the same level.
We are gradually trying to update the curriculum as per the requirement
Actually, IES College of Technology is associated with Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, which follows every norm of AICTE. So, I think the curriculum is abridged. I think there must be changes and we have sent all the proposals, which we want to have, to the University. And I am also happy that the University has made minor changes in the curriculum. So, I think that the University is trying to improve the curriculum with our suggestions.
Changes seen in the students in the past ten years
Actually, in the past years, I have seen a number of changes in the education sector because now the competitions are going to be in a large number of varieties and students are very well aware that how can they stand first in the row of that competitive world. I think from the last ten years the students are making huge efforts to achieve their goals.
Being a good citizen first is more important than being a good professional
Other than education, I try to inculcate a number of values in the students.
I have always told the students that to be a good engineer is not a tough task but how you can make yourself a good citizen is a difficult task.
So, I suggest all the students that it is good to be a good engineer but it is also very important that you should be a good person.
It is important that the students must know the basic concepts, before studying a subject further
While teaching Physics, my first step is to judge the knowledge of students about that particular topic that I am going to teach. If the students have some basic knowledge about the topic then I try to continue my subject. So, my target is to clear all the basic concept first before teaching.
We aim to improve our standard of education to reach among the top institutions
IES College of Technology is a very renowned College and I am glad to be a part of it but I think that we have to make huge efforts to make ourselves among the top engineering institutes and for this, I have given a number of suggestions to the management that how can we improve the standards of the students and the college.
Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students
There is only one straight path to achieve success and that is hard work.