BSEH Datesheet 2021 : Exam Dates For Classes 9 & 11 has been Released; Download Here

Haryana Board of School Education (BSEH) has published the HBSE date sheet 2021 for classes 9 and 11 on its official website, Students appearing for the examination should download the examination timetable from the official website.

BSEH Class 11 exams will be held between March 26 and April 23, 2021, while Class 9 exams will begin on March 30 and end on April 17. The exams will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Students can download the date sheet by following the steps outlined below.

The HBSE 10th and 12th date sheet 2021 are yet to be published on the official website by the Board. However, it was previously announced that the 2021 board exams will be held between April 20 and May 31.

BSEH Admit Card 2021

HBSE Datesheet 2021: Steps to Download

  • Visit the official website of BSEH
  • Click on the datesheet tab and then click on Class 9 and 11 datesheet
  • The exam dates will appear on the screen
  • Download and save it
  • Take a printout of the same and secure it for future

BSEH Exam Pattern

HBSE Examinations 2021: Important Instructions to Follow

  • Differently Abled I Blind students (ii) Dyslexic & Spastic students (iii) Deaf & Dumb students (iv) permanently disabled students who cannot write with their own hands will be provided with amanuensis services and an extra 20 minutes per one hour answering each paper.
  • Students must bring their own log, trigonometry tables, and map stencils, and can only use color pencils in science subjects.
  • Private/Open School candidates should contact their exam center's Centre Supdt. to confirm the date, time, and location of their practical examination.
  • Calculators (simple/scientific) and mobile phones are not permitted in the examination hall and will be considered as unfair means if found.
  • All students will carry their own hand sanitizer in a clear bottle, cover their mouth and nose with a mask/cloth, and adhere to physical distance guidelines.

Important Tip: Students preparing for the HBSE 10th and 12th exams in 2021 must complete their syllabus and solve previous year's question papers. This will familiarize them with the exam pattern, scoring scheme, and types of questions asked in the exams.

BSEH Exam Syllabus
