Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the BSEB Class 10 Anwer Key 2021 today, March 20 on its official website Candidates who have appeared in the examination can check and download the answer key through the official website. Simultaneously, students can also raise objections against the answer key through the website till March 22 by visiting the Bihar Board official website.
BSEB Matric Class 10 Answer Key 2021: How to Check?
Step 1: Visit the official website of BSEB
Step 2: Click on the ‘matric answer key link’
Step 3: A pdf file with an answer key will appear on the screen
Step 4: Check, and download for further reference.
The class 10 exams were earlier held from February 17 to 24.
BSEB Intermediate Exams 2021 Answer Key Released
BSEB Matric Class 10 Answer Key 2021: How to Raise Objections?
Candidates who have appeared in the Bihar Board class 10th exams 2021 can check their answer key online at They can also raise objections, if any, by providing appropriate representations on or before March 22, 2021. Follow the steps mentioned below in order to raise objections:
Step 1: Log onto the official website:
Step 2: Enter your Roll Code and roll Number
Step 3: Select the Exam as inter / class 12 from the drop-down menu
Step 4: Your Answer Key would be displayed on the screen
Step 5: Select the questions you wish to challenge
Step 6: Select the answer (other than the one given in answer key)
Step 7: Pay the requisite application fee for the same
Step 8: Retain a copy of the objections as well as their response sheets for future purpose.
BSEB conducted matriculation board exam from February 17 to 24, 2021 across 1,525 exam centres in the state. Altogether 16.84 lakh candidates—including 8,37,803 girls and 8,46,663 boys---had registered for writing the exam this year. Bihar Board is expected to release BSEB Class 10 and 12 Results in the Month of March/April.