AP Board Class 10 Exam 2021 Postponed, Final Decision in July; Details Here

Andhra Pradesh Government has announced today (May 27), to postpone AP Board Class 10 Board Exam 2021, which was scheduled to commence from June 7, in the state. 

As per the latest announcement, AP Board Class 10th Exam 2021 has been postponed till the end of June 2021. Further decisions on the examination will be made in July only after analyzing the Covid-19 situation. 

Earlier, the state government had reduced AP SSC 2021 syllabus for the academic year 2020-2021 due to a lack of physical classes for class 10th students. The exam syllabus has now been reduced to 7 papers for the year 2021, which usually includes 11 papers.

The decision to postpone examinations has been made by keeping in mind the opposition to decisions made by the government, at a time when 32 States and UTs have agreed to conduct CBSE Class 12 Exam 2021.

Andhra Pradesh High Court has recorded two public interest litigation petitions filed by class 10th students. Petitions were filed to oppose the decision made by the government to conduct the class 10th and class 12th examination in the state despite the second wave of coronavirus pandemic in the country. 

Earlier, AP state government had postponed Class 12th exams in accordance with the High Court’s directions. AP Board Class 12th Exam was scheduled to commence from May 06 to May 23, 2021. 

On April 29, 2021, AP Board Class 12th Admit Card 2021 was released by the Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (BIEAP) to check on its official website, bie.ap.gov.in. Referring to the admit card release, many class 12th students and parents in the states have requested to cancel exams due to the surge of coronavirus cases in the country. 

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