AILET 2020 Exam Dates Postponed, Registration Extended, Check latest Updates and News

AILET 2020 has been postponed considering the adverse situation due to COVID-19 pandemic. Application form Extended till August 10, 2020

AILET 2020 has been postponed considering the adverse situation due to COVID-19 pandemic. Application form extended till August 10, 2020 

National Law University (NLU) has postponed the exam dates for AILET 2020 considering the surge in COVID-19 crisis. It was scheduled to be held on August 18, 2020, in Remote Proctored Assessment Mode (RPA). NLU after consideration with NTA will soon release the fresh dates and it has also assured that candidates will be notified 10 days prior to the conduction of exam. The University had scheduled to release AILET 2020 Admit Card on July 27, 2020, however, it made an announcement on the same day stating all the activities regarding AILET 2020 have been put on hold. 

Apart from the postponement of exam, AILET 2020 Application Form window has also been reopened and candidates who missed the chance can apply on or before August 10, 2020. Previously the Application Forms were available till July 11 after already making two extensions.

 NLU has justified the postponement of AILET with the number of requests received by candidates about the same, however most importantly, its due to the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic. The frequent postponement of exams has brought unrest in the preparation of aspirants. For the same reason, the authorities have arranged Mock tests for candidates to get familiar with the RPA testing process. Candidates can get used to the new proctored mode test in this extra time they have acquired amidst the pandemic.

Check AILET 2020 Question Paper

Moreover, NTA has opened a help desk for solving the queries of candidates regarding the AILET 2020. In case of any doubts, candidates can reach out to NLU via email-
