AIL LET Result 2020 Declared; Check Counselling Details Here

The result of AIL Law Entrance (LET) 2020 conducted by Army Institute of Law is expected to be released anytime soon. The Institute had earlier released the first counseling merit list and the counselling procedure is expected to be carried forward online through Google Meet from September 17 onwards.

The official notice released by Army Institute of Law reads, "Due to existing COVID-19, AIL Mohali has decided to conduct counselling of B.A. LL.B. for 2020-21 in online mode. The counselling will be conducted on the 'Google Meet' platform wherein it is mandatory for candidates to appear along with one parent as per the assigned date and time."

In case more than one candidate secures a similar rank in the AIL LET Result 2020, the candidate who got higher marks in class 12th will get a higher rank. Still if the tie persists, the candidate elder in age will get a higher rank.

Also Check AIL Admission Details, Fees, Application Form and Eligibility

AIL Law Entrance 2020: Documents Required for Counselling

The Institute will share the link to log in for the meeting before the AIL LET counselling commences. Candidates securing merit rank from 1-60 in army category and 1-4 in all India ranking will be called for Counselling. Candidates are advised to keep the below-mentioned documents ready beforehand.


Documents Required

Army (Serving Personnel)

Class 12th passing certificate, Dependent card of the candidate, Aadhaar card

Army Retd/ Ex Personnel

Class 12th certificate, Relevant extract of service book/ discharge book, Aadhaar card

All India Category

Class 12th certificate, Aadhar Card

AIL LET 2020: Counselling Schedule

The date and timings for different category and merit holders is listed in table below:


Date & Timings

Army Category - Merit No. 1 to 60
All India Civil Category- Merit No. 1 to 4

September 17, 2020
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Fee Submission 

September 21, 2020 till 3:00 pm

The bifurcation of timings for different merits is:

Merit Rank for Army Category



9:00 am to 10:00 am


10:00 am to 11:00 am


11:00 am to 12:00 pm


12:00 pm to 1:00 pm


2:00 pm to 3:00 pm


3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

All India Civil Category 



4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
