MSc Applied Electronics Eligibility, Admission, Top Colleges, Syllabus, Jobs, Salary & Scope 2023

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MSc Applied Electronics is a 2 year postgraduate course that encompasses application of electronics in numerous areas like medicine, consumer applications, manufacturing etc.

Candidates seeking admission in MSc Applied Electronics should have 50% marks in graduation from engineering or relevant streams. Admissions to MSc Applied Electronics course is merit based, however few colleges conduct their own entrance exams.

PSG College of Arts and Science, Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts and Science, Mahatma Gandhi University are some of the top colleges that offer MSc Applied Electronics course in India.

Check: Top MSc Applied Electronics Colleges

The average fee to pursue MSc Applied Electronics ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 2,00,000. Post completing this course students can further opt for PhD, or MBA Courses.

Throughout the MSc Applied Electronics course, Students are prepared to cope with the requirements of Industries specializing in High-end Communication systems. They gain depth knowledge and skills in principles of electronics as well as their applications of techniques of electronics in instrumentation.

MSc Applied Electronics aspirants get hired in public and private organisations in positions namely Manager electronic, Professor, Project Implementation Lead, Service Engineer, Supervisory Electronics Engineer etc. 

The average placement package that can be expected by graduates of MSc Applied Electronics usually ranges between INR 3,00,000 to INR 4,00,000.

MSc Applied Electronics: Course Highlights

Course Level Post-graduate
Duration 2 years
Examination Type Semester
Eligibility The candidate must have a postgraduate degree in the appropriate department from a recognized university. Or B.E./B.Tech. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. 
Admission Process Entrance examinations are held followed by an interview at various recognized universities.
Course Fee INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000
Average Starting Salary INR 3,00,000 to INR 4,00,000 p.a.
Employment Areas Teaching & Research Area, Indian Telephones, Railways, ONGC IT industry, Laboratories, Bharat Electronics Limited etc.
Job Types Manager Electronic, Audio Visual system Programmer, Technology Sales Representative, Audio Visual Project Manager, Project Implementation Lead,  Service Engineer etc.
Admission Process

MSc Applied Electronics: Admission Process

The admission process in MSc is based on various entrance exams in Applied Electronics. Different institutes conduct entrance examinations for admission in their institutes and some of them admit on the basis of the marks obtained by the graduating candidates.

  • Registration: Registration dates were announced a few days ago by the Institute. The aspirants need to create an account with the basic details name, Gmail, phone number etc.
  • Fill Up Details: The candidates carefully fill out the application form with all the necessary details. All details must be accurate and precise. 
  • Submit Documents: The candidates have to scan all the documents and upload all the required documents namely marksheets, registration certificate etc. Documents need to be uploaded in a specific format specifically by the institute's application portal.
  • Application Fee: After completing the form fill up the aspirants has to pay the application fee through the online mode. Payment can be made through all online payment modes. 
  • Download the admit card: Admit cards are published when all applicants are judged for eligibility. Candidates need to download the admit card and print out the admit card for use on the day of examination.
  • Examination: Candidates have to prepare themselves for the examination according to the syllabus and examination papers. Candidates will have to take part in the examination on the announced date.
  • Results: The results were announced a few weeks after the test day. If a candidate succeeds in sorting out the entrance exams, they can go to the next round.
  • Counselling and Admissions: Counseling is held for those who have cleared the entrance exam. Students can now be admitted to the MSc Applied Electronics course. 

MSc Applied Electronics: Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for MSc Applied Electronics aspirants are not complicated and below. Candidates must keep in mind that the eligibility criteria will vary from institute to institute.

  • Criteria for Primary Qualification for pursuing MSc Applied Electronics is a qualifying graduation in a suitable faculty from a recognized University.
  • At least 55% marks or equivalent degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. 
  • Some reputed institutes conduct entrance exams for their MSc. in Applied Electronics course.

MSc Applied Electronics : Entrance Exam Preparation Tips

In order to better and more efficiently prepare the candidates for the entrance examination, the following pointers can be mentioned.

  • Divide The Schedule : Prepare a schedule for the study. Each topic includes each topic and sticks to the schedule. This will ensure that the integrated syllabus is enclosed at least once. Set aside time each day to study. 
  • Revision The Key : The candidates have to clear up the basics. The basics will later form the basis of more advanced chapters. An understanding of the basics will be useful. Candidates need to schedule a reconsideration for regular breaks.
  • Mock Test : The entrance test is all about practicing. The candidates have to participate in the mock test and try sample paperwork as much as possible. Those interested candidates should make some crisp notes for last minute reading and avoid unnecessary panic before the exam. Allocate time singly for more difficult topics. 
  • Keep Your Resources Limited : Therefore, research well for your research plan and make a short list of some resources and draw with it. Many good students are recommending 10 + 2 level NCERT books. The aspirants must be clear with school books before buying more books.

MSc Applied Electronics College Admission Tips

Candidates must be admitted to the top MSc Applied Electronics College, for a number of reasons. The following tips will be helpful in this case.

  • Some institutes conduct the entrance examinations for MSc Applied Electronics.
  • Therefore, if you want to go to a good MSc Applied Electronics college, you should not compromise your preparation for the entrance exam.
  • Some colleges also select students on the basis of merit, so your final scores in Class XII or Intermediate will be able to meet the cut-off criteria set by the college.
  • Make sure you apply to your chosen MSc Applied Electronics college before the deadline. 
  • Candidates also need to prepare themselves for group discussions and personal interview rounds. Be confident and be clear in your speech.

MSc Applied Electronics: What is it about?

  • MSc Applied Electronics is a PG applied electronics course studying about the development as well as execution of electronics to engineering instrumentation.
  • This course trains graduates in such a way that after the course not only are they employable but also can work on cutting edge technology.
  • Throughout MSc Applied Electronics, students study topics like VLSI Design, Neural Networks, Applied Mathematics for Electronics, Computer Architecture etc.
  • It is a course in digital signal processing that prepares engineers to specialize in high-end communication systems to meet industry needs. 
  • Upon completion, students find employment in the IT industry, defense laboratories, electronic design, research, and academics.
  • MSc Applied Electronics graduates will also be able to work as a production engineer at MNC namely Sony, LG, Samsung, Philips, Quality Controller, Research, Design & Development Consultants, Entrepreneurs and Teachers.
Top Colleges

MSc Applied Electronics: Top Colleges

College Name Average Annual Fees
PSG College of Arts and Science INR 66,200
Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts and Science INR 37,000
Mahatma Gandhi University   INR 20,200
RVS College of Arts and Science  INR 32,000
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University INR 3,760

MSc Applied Electronics Colleges Comparison

The table below illustrates the comparisons made between the three top MSc Applied Electronics Colleges in India.

Parmeter RVS College Of Arts and Science Mohamed Sathak College Of Arts and Science
Objective RVS CAS was established in 1986. It is a private college. This college offers Bachelors, Masters and Research programs.   MSCAS was founded in 1991 affiliated to Madras University. This college offers UG programmes, diploma programmes, research programs and PG courses.
Location Coimbatore Chennai
Average Course Fees INR 32,000 INR 37,000
Top Recruiters Concentrix, TCS, Infosys, Amazon, Grand thornton, Capgemini etc HCL, Dell, HTC, Wipro, TCS, L&T, Cognizant and many more.
Average Salary Package INR 4.4 LPA INR 4 LPA

MSc Applied Electronics: Course Benefits

The aim of obtaining a MSc Applied Electronics degree depends on the aspirations and goals of each individual. Here are some reasons to follow this course :

  • Reputed Profession : MSc Applied Electronics is a high demand field where skilled post-graduates are able to instantly find open job positions. In this case any student with the passion of skillfully encouraging will soon find success.
  • Pay scale : Average packages for MSc Applied Electronics post-graduates are higher for both the private and public sector. The work of a MSc Applied Electronics includes in broadcasting, consulting, data communication, research and development, and system support. 
  • Career Opportunities : MSc Applied Electronics candidates are able to pursue a wide variety of career opportunities. After completing the MSc Applied Electronics the students can go for a higher studies in M.phil in Applied Electronics and Ph.D in Applied Electronics. 
  • Upon completion of this program, students will be able to receive a wide range of handsome salary packages between INR 3,00,000 and INR 4,00,000 p.a. depending on the skill of the candidate in the field. 
  • Candidates can do more PG courses likely M.Phil in Applied Electronics, Ph.D in Applied Electronics.
Course Comparison

MSc Applied Electronics Course Comparison

The course comparison between MSc Applied Electronics and M.Tech in Applied Electronics is as follows on the basis of a few parameters.

Also Checkout, Top Colleges offering M.Tech in Applied Electronics

Parameters MSc Applied Electronics MSc  Electronics and Communication Engineering 
Full Form Master Of Science  Applied Electronics Master Of Science Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Overview The course includes the knowledge and skills required in the principles of electronics as well as their application of electronics techniques for problem solving in equipment and research. This course also introduces the big ideas of electronics engineering in integrated fashion. This course helps to practice modern engineering tools for solving complex engineering activities.
Duration 2 years 2 years
Degree Type Post Graduation Level Post Graduation Level
Admission Criteria Merit-based or Entrance-based. Merit-based or Entrance-based.
Average Course Fees INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000 INR 1,000 to 2,00,000
Average Starting Salary INR 3,00,000 to INR 4,00,000 INR 1,00,000 to INR 25,00,000
Job Profile Service engineer, Field test Engineer, Manager Electronic, Electronics Engineer etc. Technical Director, Software Analyst, Network Planning Engineer, Electronics and Communication Consultant, Service engineer etc. 
Areas Of Employment Technical & Research area, Indian telephones, ONGC, IT industry etc. Civil Aviation, Telecommunication, Indian Television Industries etc.

MSc Applied Electronics: Syllabus

Semester I Semester II
Digital Electronics and Logic Design Electronic Measuring Instruments
Microprocessor Systems Object Oriented Programming + Lab
Microprocessor Lab Computer System Architecture and Organization
Analogue Electronic Circuits Communication Systems
Network and Control Systems Computer Hardware Engineering
Analogue and Digital Lab PC Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting Lab
Optical Communication -
Semester III Semester IV
Operating Systems Computer Networks
Digital Signal Processing Electives
Embedded Architecture Satellite Communication
VLSI Design Project and Viva voce
Industrial Electronics Mobile Communication
Advanced Electronic Lab Image Processing

MSc Applied Electronics: Recommended Books

The table below lists some books on MSc Applied Electronics subjects that can help students understand the course more broadly and better.

Name of the Book Author
Applied Electronics Paperback-1 Prof. Tushar Jadav and Prof. Manisha Jadav
A Textbook name of Applied Electronics Paperback-2 Dr. R.S. Sedha
Arduino Applied: Comprehensive Projects for Everyday Electronics Neil Cameron
Applied Electronic Design D. Joseph Stadtmiller
Job Profiles

MSc Applied Electronics : Career Prospects and Job Profiles

Upon completion of the degree, candidates can easily gain job opportunities in manufacturing industries and service organizations such as broadcasting, consulting, information communication, entertainment, research and development.

Candidates are involved with work in modern multimedia service organizations that are involved in real-time transfer of information through video conferencing and internet broadcasting. Below given are some positions along with their average salary.    

Job Positions Average Annual Salary
Service Engineer INR 3,00,000 
Field Test Engineer INR 5,00,000
Electronics Engineer INR 6,00,000 
Audio Visual Project Manager INR 7,00,000
Supervisory Electronics Engineer INR 3,00,000 
Manager Electronic INR 6,00,000
Future Scope

MSc Applied Electronics : Future Scope

MSc Applied Electronics graduates may choose to work or pursue higher studies after completing this program. Following are the most popular choices of education after completing MSc Applied Electronics degree.

  • M.Phil in Applied Electronics : If the candidate wants to continue in the same field of education, the first program of choice is a M.Phil in Applied Electronics. It is a two-year course, including having eligibility criteria MSc Applied Electronics. This is one of the most popular postgraduate level programs and admissions are highly competitive. 
  • Ph.D in Applied Electronics : Ph.D. Applied Electronics or Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Electronics is Doctorate Electronics and Communication Engineering course. It is a three-year course, the goal of the PhD program is to provide research training in such a way as to develop independent research skills among the examinees.

MSc Applied Electronics FAQs

Ques. How  is the course beneficial for students after completing  MSc Applied Electronics? 

Ans. The beneficial course of digital signal processing prepares engineers to address the needs of specialized industries in high-end communication systems. After completing the MSc Applied Electronics course the aspirants can find the jobs in the IT industry, Defence laboratories, Research and Academic etc.

Ques. How is the course suitable for the MSc Applied electronics course?

Ans. The course is suitable for those students who want to pursue research work after the master’s degree. Candidates must have efficient communication (spoken and written), good team-working, good project and time management.

Ques. How will this course help students specialize in being an MSc Applied Electronics?

Ans. This course will help the students to specialize in communicating these phenomena and resistance properties, induction and capacitance in a variety of ways to control the characteristics, ratings and limitations of electronic devices. A post graduate will be able to address the needs of the specialist industry in high-end communication systems. 

Ques. Are there any entrance examinations for admission in MSc Applied Electronics?

Ans. Admission process for this course may different from university to university. Some colleges admit students on merit basis while some colleges conduct their own entrance exams and interviews for admissions in MSc Applied Electronics.

Ques. What is the course duration of MSc Applied Electronics?

Ans. Master of Applied Electronics is a postgraduate Applied Electronics course. The duration of this course is 2 years which is further divided into four semesters.

Ques. What are the educational qualifications required for admission in MSc Applied Electronics course?

Ans. For admission in MSc Applied Electronics course, the aspirants must have passed graduation in relevant discipline from a recognized university or B.E./B.Tech. The candidates who have passed in B.E./B.Tech. with at least 55% marks or equivalent degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering / Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.

Ques. Which one the candidates should choose after completing MSc Applied Electronics? Postgraduate or job?

Ans. Holders of MSc Applied Electronics can go for various advanced courses namely M.Phil in Applied Electronics and Ph.D in Applied Electronics. The candidates also go for a job in relevant sectors. It basically depends on the interest of the candidate whether they want to do the job or whether they want to study further. However, most students choose job options after completing a postgraduate degree.

Ques. Can the aspirants choose the names of the top companies to run internships in India?

Ans. After completing the MSc Applied Electronics, the candidates can join the company namely Indian Telephones, Teaching & Research Area, Bharat Electronics Limited, ONGC, IT industry etc. The major employment areas are Public Sector Organizations, Electrical and Electronics, Design & Development Consultants etc.

Ques. What is the overview of the MSc Applied Electronics program?

Ans. The overview of the course is career oriented which opens wide scope for the candidates after successful completion. The course includes in-depth knowledge and skills in the principles of electronics as well as their applications of electronics techniques for problem solving in equipment and research. 

Ques. What is the average salary for the freshers’ after completing the MSc Applied Electronics courses?

Ans. After completing the MSc Applied Electronics Course, the sector hires candidates from sector to sector such as VHEL, BSNL, ONGC and PSU as Junior Telecom Officer / Technical Engineer / Survey and Maintenance Engineer offer salary between INR 10000 - INR 32000 per month. In the private sector, the package offered for electronics and communications engineers is INR 3,50,000 - INR 4,00,000 per annum. 


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Master of Science [M.Sc] (Applied Electronics) Colleges IN INDIA

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10 K first year fees
21 K first year fees
20.2 K first year fees
21.29 K first year fees
37 K first year fees
23.5 K first year fees