Ph.D. (Education) From Rural Dental College, Ahmednagar

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Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admission to 3 years Full-time Ph.D. Program should meet the following criteria as specified by the institute.
Academic Requirement:

  • Persons having passed Post Graduate Degree (Master Degree) Examination with at least 50% marks or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA) 5 % relaxation if required in the percentage of marks will be given to the students of State of Maharashtra belonging to SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBC categories. Above mentioned rules will also be applicable to the foreign candidates who have obtained a Masters Degree from any of the recognized Indian Universities.
  • Application for research in inter-disciplinary areas and from applicants belonging to a faculty or subjects other than the faculty or subjects in which the research is proposed to be done and from the international candidates (those who have not obtained the Master's Degree from Indian Universities) shall be considered on the basis of the proven ability and aptitude of the researcher for such kind of research. Such proposal shall be examined by the Guide and the Head, Place of Research before giving provisional admission. The admission will be confirmed after the Research and Recognition Committee/s concerned, approves the topic.
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