Bachelor of Education [B.Ed] (Tamil) From Kalvithanthai AKR Sourashtra Teachers College, Sivaganga

Sivaganga, Tamil NaduEstd 2005
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Eligibility Criteria

The minimum eligibility criterion for admission to B. Ed. is that the student must be a graduate in any discipline. The candidate must either have a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) or Bachelor in Commerce (B. Com.) from any recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate. Also, if the student has completed their postgraduate degree, then minimum 55% marks in aggregate is the criterion. 

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Mr. J.Krishna Kumar
Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil
Mrs. J.J.Subashini
Assistant Professor, Department of English
Mrs. E.Muthu Meenakshi
Assistant Professor, Department of mathematics
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