Master of Engineering [ME] (Computer Engineering) From RH Sapat College of Engineering, Management Studies and Research Nashik, Nashik

Nashik, MaharashtraEstd 2009 SPPU, Pune
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Master of Engineering [ME] (Computer Engineering) 
first year fees:  ₹29,000
2 YearsFull Time
Total Year Wise fees29,00029,000
Total Fees₹29000₹29000
Tuition fees₹29000₹29000

Eligibility Criteria

(i)Passed Bachelor Degree in the relevant field of Engineering and Technology or Pharmacy from All India Council for Technical Education or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50% marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward Class categories,Economically weaker section and Persons with Disability category belongingto Maharashtra State);
(ii) Passed Bachelor Degree in the relevant course of Engineering and Technologyor Pharmacy as specified in the eligibility criteria for admission to a Post Graduate Degree course of the concerned University for which admission isbeing sought;
(iii) Obtained Qualified score in Graduates Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology and valid for the current academic year;
(iv) Obtained non-Qualified marks in Graduates Aptitude Test in Engineering(GATE) conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology for the current academic year;
(v) Obtained Qualified score in Graduates Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT) conducted by National Testing Agency and valid for the current academic
(vii) Obtained non-Qualified marks in Graduates Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT)conducted by National Testing Agency for the current academic year; or
(viii) For sponsored candidates, minimum of two years of full time work experience in a registered firm/ company/ industry/ educational and/ or research institute/any Government Department or Government Autonomous Organization in therelevant field in which admission is being sought;
(ix)GATE or GPAT Qualified Candidates shall have preference over the not qualified Candidates.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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