Master of Science [M.Sc] (Applied Microbiology) From Ethiraj College for Women Chennai, Chennai

Chennai, Tamil NaduEstd 1948 University of Madras Chennai, Chennai
#20 For Science By Outlook 2025  
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Ethiraj College for Women Chennai Master of Science [M.Sc] (Applied Microbiology) Ranking

Ethiraj College for Women Chennai Science ranking by Outlook is 20 out of 105 in India in 2025 and it was ranked 20 out of 100 in India in 2024. Ethiraj College for Women Chennai Science ranking by India Today is 31 out of 211 in India in 2024 and it was ranked 21 out of 120 in India in 2020. Ethiraj College for Women Chennai Science ranking by The Week is 21 out of 88 in India in 2024 and it was ranked 21 out of 60 in India in 2023

Outlook Ranking

#20 out of 105 in India 2025 
#5th in Chennai

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Course Details

Ethiraj College For Women offers several postgraduate programmes in various fields such as Arts, Science and Commerce etc. The college provides M.A, M.Sc and M.Com degree courses within Aided as well as Self-supporting category. Candidates willing to apply for Master degree courses in both the categories must have secured a bachelor's degree in the relevant discipline from a recognized institute/university.

Admission in PG courses (Aided and Self-supporting) is done on the basis of marks obtained in qualifying degree examination in relevant discipline. Failing to meet the eligibility criteria will lead to the elimination of the candidates from the admission process.

List of Courses

Course Name Specialization Eligibility Criteria Duration
M.A (Aided) Economics Graduates in Economics, Business Economics and Corporate Economics. 2 Years
English Graduates of English literature as well as those of any art or science program with Part II English and a good command of English.
History Graduates of any discipline.
M.Com Graduates in B.Com - General / Marketing / Accounting / Finance H B.Com Corporate Secretaryship H B.Com Bank Management H Business Administration
2 Years
M.Com Self Supporting (Corporate Secretaryship) - Self-Supporting 2 Years
M.Sc. Zoology Candidates with B.Sc. degree in Zoology or Advanced Zoology. 2 Years
Chemistry B.Sc., degree with Chemistry as major subject, Mathematics and Physics as a allied subjects.
M.Sc Self Supporting Biochemistry B.Sc. Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Botany, Zoology, Life Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics may apply. 2 Years
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics B.Sc. Nutrition and Dietetics / Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics from any recognised university may apply.
Mathematics Candidates who have completed B.Sc. Mathematics / Mathematics with Computer Applications may apply
Physics B.Sc Physics with Maths and Chemistry as allied subjects may apply
Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology A Pass in B.Sc., Botany / Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology or an equivalent examination recognized by the syndicate of the University of Madras.
Microbiology Candidates with B.Sc. degree in Microbiology / Botany / Zoology / Agriculture / B.S.M.S. may apply.
M.A Self Supporting Journalism and Communication A graduate of any discipline of the University of Madras or any other University is eligible to apply. Admission will be based on UG marks. Candidates with arrears will not be considered for admission. 2 Years
Human Right and Duties Education A graduate of any discipline is eligible to apply

Registration for PG programmes offered by Ethiraj College for Women will commence from May. Candidates can apply by filling the application form online or download the application form and submit it upon completion along with the processing fee at the university office in person. 

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